
Hello my friends! I know it's been a while, but I'm happy to announce that, after having finished college essays, I finished chapter six in much shorter order than chapter five; it will be posted as soon as I update the other chapters. With what am I updating these chapters, you may ask? Well, to put it simply, I learned what an emdash is and realized that I have incorrectly been using hyphens in their place, so it's quite literally just going through and correcting those. No content revision whatsoever (except if I notice a spelling error). Anyway, thanks for your support and I hope you like this next chapter.


Hello my friends! I know it's been a while, but I'm happy to announce that, after having finished college essays, I finished chapter six in much shorter order than chapter five; it will be posted as soon as I update the other chapters. With what am I updating these chapters, you may ask? Well, to put it simply, I learned what an emdash is and realized that I have incorrectly been using hyphens in their place, so it's quite literally just going through and correcting those. No content revision whatsoever (except if I notice a spelling error). Anyway, thanks for your support and I hope you like this next chapter.


Hello to all of my followers. I just wanted to let you know that I will be overhauling my account and putting my RWBY series on permanent hiatus. I'd like to focus all of my efforts on the Reaver Corps Series and I feel as if getting away from my fanfiction is the best thing for me to appear more professional (although, I can only get so professional on Wattpad). If any of you want to continue reading it, contact me to get the Google Drive version. Thank you all for your support thus far and I hope you'll continue to enjoy my writing.


Sorry about the lack of activity my dudes. Senior year is quite hectic. I'm almost done with the next chapter of Agent Firefly so after that I should be a bit more active  (hopefully). Honestly though,  I'm seriously debating taking a major hiatus from my RWBY series after I finish Nightmares...


HELLO GUYS! Sorry for the lack of activity, but I've started focusing on quality over quantity in my writing (as I hope you've seen for yourselves). I just wanted to announce a few things: 1) I've recently unpublished my Destiny character stories because I don't have time to keep them all going at once. I may return to them in the future, but I highly doubt it. Sorry. 2) In other Destiny related news, I will likely be updating the compilation of Destiny lore from my tumblr account once the expansion for the game releases in September. 3) I've put the editing of Relics of Remnant on hold for now, as I mean to focus my efforts over the summer on my two works in progress (Reaver Corps and Nightmares of Remnant). I will return to editing Relics when the school year hits and I have access to a laptop again. 4) I reformatted a lot of Reaver Corps and made some minor adjustments to set it straight with the plot line I have in mind. If you haven't read it yet, or even if you have but not in a while, check it out. Anyway, sorry for the wall of text, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I haven't forgotten about you. Have a great summer!


So remember that story I said I might sit on for a while? Well, due to my impatience and good reviews from my friends, I've decided to go ahead and start my first original series: The Reaver Corps. (Once again, I want to thank @iamgreg for the inspiration). The series follows Rose Albright, a quiet high school senior who finds herself in the sights of a clandestine collective known as the Reaper Corps, which works to eliminate targets received from an unspecified point in the future in order to secure the stability of human society. This is book one in a three book series, so go ahead and give it a shot. Or don't. It's a free country.


So I have started editing Relics of Remnant and I just posted up to Chapter 5. Sorry for not as much progress on Nightmares of Remnant, but it IS a larger challenge in the style that I write it than my others were. I promise to get some more done, but school is really trying to shake me off right now. I'm pretty much abandoning my Destiny stuff, but I do have an idea for my first original story based on a prompt that @iamgreg gave me. I might be sitting on it for a while so I can get Nightmares and Heroes of Remnant published, but it's looking pretty promising and I can't wait to write it. Anyway, peace!


I FINALLY DID IT! I FINISHED EDITING LEGENDS OF REMNANT! THANK GOD! Hopefully editing Relics of Remnant will not be nearly as cringe-worthy, but now Legends of Remnant is fully and completely 100% canonically updated. If you read it once, I would suggest reading it again, since it's got a lot more info that'll be useful to know for some of the stuff I'm doing with Nightmares of Remnant (along with more backstory explaining a lot of the ambiguous stuff). Plus, most of the chapters are just straight-up better than anything that I had written in that dang book last year. So anyway, yeah that's pretty much it. Thanks!


Hello people. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, I am on the final stretch to finishing the re-editing of Legends of Remnant. The bad news is, my Destiny stuff will be put on hold pretty much indefinitely. I've got to concentrate my efforts on the books I am currently writing due to all the crazy stuff going on in my life right now, so I apologize for this. I hope to have Legends of Remnant fully edited by March 13th or so. Thanks!


Due to the RWBY Finale kinda destroying my plan for book 4, be aware that I will likely have to pull some MAJOR BS to eventually write book 4. It will likely have to do with some space-time continuum shenanigans, but I swear to God that I will keep my story in line with the canon one way or another! ;)