
Hello you must be the writer of : the devils not here , only a liar ! Just wanted to say that i LOVED your story , and i'm hoping you could update it soon ? if your are not busy ofc ! 


@Coff33notforme OMG ! Thank you so much !! Words can't describe how much I'm happy that you want to continue the story !! it's an AMAZING one indeed so I was going to be sad if you were not going to continue it , it is a very lovely story I hope you know that , and your writing is amazing , I hope you don't change your mind because I had when people write such amazing stories but they don't finish it !


@Angelsofeva First off, thank you! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it! And second  I originally wasn't going to update it at all because I kinda fell out of the fandom but since so many people have asked me to continue it I was going to try and finish it. I don't know when I'll be done with upcoming chapters but the book will be continued :)