
Before anyone gets upset about Harley in Gasoline...she is a doctor and I think people like to forget that. As a lover of Batman I impliment details across most DC to add as much as I can to my stories. That being said Victor Zsaz is the one from Gotham  


Holy efffff you have a pretty eye what the heck??!!! Anyways I saw u liked Jerome. I have a story with Jerome I think you might like. Could you tell me what you think? Thank you! xoxo -Bambi ;)


Your wish is my command!


@JeromeValeska_  I loved it! would love if it could be more smutty xD I'm a smut addict I swear, but your stories are great! loving them! 


Here is an idea, so I've noticed is your stories dont have much reads. Grab the attention with, non of the offenses, a better picturw that screams read me or mabye a better introduction. And this was My Opinion, join us next week and here my opinions about Gotham High and Gotham City.


@TYANNA4LIFE  if I knew of any other way of making a cover photo or had an idea of what to put up there I would. As for the intro I hate it myself and I plan on changing it because I hate it with a passion. School has been keeping me from doing so since most of my time is spent there. Thank you for you opinion.