
this message may be offensive
I'm incredibly sorry, everyone. I need to get myself taken care of before I can return to writing my stories. I have entered rehab because I have a problem, and it's high time I grow up and be a man. I am an alcoholic and have been using a lot of prescription drugs to get wasted. Thank you so much, @MullinLiam and @LiamsTrish , for opening my eyes and getting me the help I need as opposed to trying to handle it myself. I realize I can't trust my own stupid way of handling everything myself. I truly do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause my readers. You deserve better and I fucked up. I love creating these stories, and I owe Liam and Trish so much for helping me with my stories. My first story and biggest hit was actually an idea Liam gave me of his own volition and he needs me at 100% as opposed to just being a fol and getting high and drunk to feel good about myself. I have a problem, and I will bust my ass to be the creator you all deserve. I know I'm not some big-time writer, but even so, I have greatly enjoyed working with so many amazing people to write these stories. I have had, in truth, very small achievements, but even so, I still have loved doing this. For years, I wanted to try it, and once I got it, I screwed up. I own my mistakes and will not make excuses for my dumb ass mistakes. I ain't a kid anymore and need to be an adult and own up to my actions. No one told me to be a drunk party boy. I chose to do it, and I am paying for my mistakes. I am ever so thankful you took my keys and sat me down to show me how stupid I have been. If not for that.... I could have either killed someone or myself that night. I ain't mad you knocked me on my ass and taught me that. Yeah, it hurt, but I'll gladly take that over killing anyone any day, man. I owe you everything and will be the man and writer you see me as my friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.. 


Good luck with rehab hope it goes well 


@CloudsofStryfe thank you as well man. But you need to know this now. I'll be watching and if you need a kick in the pants to get yourself clean and sober I'll gladly be the one to do it. Please man. Get better. I know you have the potential to be a better writer than I will ever be. We love you bruh and I don't want you to end up like your old man. We all care about and want to help. But do not do this because you feel obligated to make us feel better. Do this because you really want to be better in your heart. This will only work if you do that. Get well my friend and stay strong. Addiction is one helluva struggle but I know you can do this! I have faith you will surpass any challenge set in front of you. If you stumble I will carry you on my back if need be. I will never give up on you.  


this message may be offensive
I'm incredibly sorry, everyone. I need to get myself taken care of before I can return to writing my stories. I have entered rehab because I have a problem, and it's high time I grow up and be a man. I am an alcoholic and have been using a lot of prescription drugs to get wasted. Thank you so much, @MullinLiam and @LiamsTrish , for opening my eyes and getting me the help I need as opposed to trying to handle it myself. I realize I can't trust my own stupid way of handling everything myself. I truly do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause my readers. You deserve better and I fucked up. I love creating these stories, and I owe Liam and Trish so much for helping me with my stories. My first story and biggest hit was actually an idea Liam gave me of his own volition and he needs me at 100% as opposed to just being a fol and getting high and drunk to feel good about myself. I have a problem, and I will bust my ass to be the creator you all deserve. I know I'm not some big-time writer, but even so, I have greatly enjoyed working with so many amazing people to write these stories. I have had, in truth, very small achievements, but even so, I still have loved doing this. For years, I wanted to try it, and once I got it, I screwed up. I own my mistakes and will not make excuses for my dumb ass mistakes. I ain't a kid anymore and need to be an adult and own up to my actions. No one told me to be a drunk party boy. I chose to do it, and I am paying for my mistakes. I am ever so thankful you took my keys and sat me down to show me how stupid I have been. If not for that.... I could have either killed someone or myself that night. I ain't mad you knocked me on my ass and taught me that. Yeah, it hurt, but I'll gladly take that over killing anyone any day, man. I owe you everything and will be the man and writer you see me as my friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.. 


Good luck with rehab hope it goes well 


@CloudsofStryfe thank you as well man. But you need to know this now. I'll be watching and if you need a kick in the pants to get yourself clean and sober I'll gladly be the one to do it. Please man. Get better. I know you have the potential to be a better writer than I will ever be. We love you bruh and I don't want you to end up like your old man. We all care about and want to help. But do not do this because you feel obligated to make us feel better. Do this because you really want to be better in your heart. This will only work if you do that. Get well my friend and stay strong. Addiction is one helluva struggle but I know you can do this! I have faith you will surpass any challenge set in front of you. If you stumble I will carry you on my back if need be. I will never give up on you.  


How come you never finish your story’s


@TheGoldFan eh much as I'd love to pull some amazing reason out of the air like oh I'm just taking my time to develop my skills as a writer.... it's actually a bit more of a I had one of my inspirations as a writer sit me down for an intervention. I kept getting three sheets to the wind and making a lot of bad mistakes. I'm trying to get myself situated and repair the damage I've caused to myself and try and mend the bridges I've nearly burnt just to have a good time. Kind of funny that the person to make me realize what I was doing to myself and others is literally insane but he sat me down and told me facts were getting clearer I either keep drinking and ruin every relationship I have before I die from alcoholism or I man up and bite the bullet to hopefully get healthy both physically and mentally. So I may not have many updates lately. Though hopefully when I do start back up again I can make up for being away 


Many thanks to @MullinLiam for helping me with my stories. I never wrote a Trans character before like I have in Izuku Shigaraki Unleashed  or Nana Shimura the way she is in my Izuocha A Years Difference! But he gave me a lot of advice and even helped me write the last chapter in Izuocha and even gave me the Dhampir idea. I'm not very good at writing yet, but I am doing the best I can. For those who like my stories, I thank you and hope that I can write to make them interesting. Especially to the ones who have complimented my work. It really means a lot to not just get reads and votes but gratitude and appreciation for my stories.