
Hey guys!! I’ll have at least 1-2 chapters up tomorrow for both Meet Mr.Nice Guy  and Better now !! Sorry it’s taken forever. I lost my big brother and my mind has been in so many places but writing has been helpin and I’ve been working on chapters 


Hey guys!! I’ll have at least 1-2 chapters up tomorrow for both Meet Mr.Nice Guy  and Better now !! Sorry it’s taken forever. I lost my big brother and my mind has been in so many places but writing has been helpin and I’ve been working on chapters 


Hey guys so I need someone to talk to be cause honestly my mind is really ugh right now. And I have no one. Anyways let me know what story you want updated and I'll try to update it as soon as possible. I love you guys


Hey guys, so i deleted imagination because of some things. A new story will hopefully be up tonight or tomorrow. I love all of you. Message me if you want to talk about anything. I am here for all of you. You guys are my supports in the so please message me for anything. I love you all so very much. Follow me on instagram @Little_Kitty_420. My snapchat is Purdyjinxxed. If you add/follow me i will add/follow you back right away. Love you guys. Stay beautiful. Stay strong. Never give up hope.