
It’s been a veryyyyy long time, but i have a new book out! It’s a Jotaro Kujo story, i hope you give it a chance and enjoy 


Did you know your Colby book has a pic on Google?! I looked up Colby because I'm writing a fanfic and saw your boon cover so I'll read it :)


@Antimac haha, but I most likely WILL love it!


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I JUST LISTENED TO PILLOW TALK FOR THE FIRST TIME AND I DONT KNOW HOW I FUCKING FEEL ABOUT THIS. Also, who else is completely and totally done with all the Diegosours   HeyThereImShannon and Tyler Hagen drama? Like for real, I love them all with everything but I'm so done with all their drama and shit like keep it to yourselfs don't cause a fucking twitter war about it with the fans because it's just gonna end if flames, terror, unfollows, blockings fan wars and tears. Like fucking hell don't make us chose between y'all. We can't and we won't so stthhhaaappp hahaha


OMFG IM GONNA SEE MAGCON LIVE IN PORTLAND ORGAN! I'm fangirling so hard right now it's in describable!  asdfghjklhurksbsvtsuvrlosbdhtchdjvdhadhasdfghjkl  any one else going???


@lil166 well let's hope they do :) and thanks, I'm sure I will :)


@lil166 thanks! And I'll be sure to, hopefully they come somewhere near you so you can go! :) I think the least a celeberty could do is meet all their fans considering how much love, hours, sanity, Socail life, blood and money we don't have that we out into them haha 


GUYS! okay, so my book newbie, yeah that's comming to an end... Sad I know but no need to worry. The sequel "More newbies, more fun." Will be comming out soon! But, after I end newbie I have a new book almost ready to go. It's called "Just a love hate kinda thing" |HeyThereImShannon and Calum Hood| yup, I went there. I love you all! 
          Stay beautiful kitty Katz! -Cliffords_Tiger


Heyyyyyy! So, weirder by the minute |Mikey Murphy|Sequel to Let's Get Weird| is out! Today! I'm posting Ch. 1 today! Also, The Viner Dork|Colby Brock| will be coming to an end. ONLY 3 CHAPTERS LEFT UNTILL THE NED OF THE BOOK!!  But don't worry, the sequel (called: Broken Viner|Colby Brock|) will be comming out soon!!! I love you all, please give me feed back!! -Cliffords_Tiger