
Hey, there.
          	So, uh, I'm not dead. I'm just..very demotivated. And, unfortunately, this is not an update regarding my next updates. 
          	I'm not making a Christmas special this year. I know I've always managed one in the past few years, but I'm just not really motivated this year. Sorry.
          	I've been going through some irl stuff, and, apparently, it's hard to write fictional characters having a merry Christmas when you're not having one yourself. 
          	I will hopefully be working on GG and HH (really screaming at myself to do so), and, if we're lucky, I'll get around to BB. Sorry for this not-so-jolly information.
          	Have a great holiday season. Don't let me ruin it.


There is nothing wrong with that. Motivation is hard, and I understand. Don’t punch yourself for it, take a break and all the time you need to get yourself on your feet again, don’t overwork yourself and I wish you have a good new years as Christmas isn’t going well. I hope things get better for you and I wish you all the love around the world sweets, have a good day and night. <3


@Clichely Don't worry, motivation's always tough to deal with. Just take your time.


@ Clichely Don't worry, wey aren't here to force to write.
          	  I hope you can recover your motivation even if it takes months to do so, merry christmas and happy new year! 


Hey, there.
          So, uh, I'm not dead. I'm just..very demotivated. And, unfortunately, this is not an update regarding my next updates. 
          I'm not making a Christmas special this year. I know I've always managed one in the past few years, but I'm just not really motivated this year. Sorry.
          I've been going through some irl stuff, and, apparently, it's hard to write fictional characters having a merry Christmas when you're not having one yourself. 
          I will hopefully be working on GG and HH (really screaming at myself to do so), and, if we're lucky, I'll get around to BB. Sorry for this not-so-jolly information.
          Have a great holiday season. Don't let me ruin it.


There is nothing wrong with that. Motivation is hard, and I understand. Don’t punch yourself for it, take a break and all the time you need to get yourself on your feet again, don’t overwork yourself and I wish you have a good new years as Christmas isn’t going well. I hope things get better for you and I wish you all the love around the world sweets, have a good day and night. <3


@Clichely Don't worry, motivation's always tough to deal with. Just take your time.


@ Clichely Don't worry, wey aren't here to force to write.
            I hope you can recover your motivation even if it takes months to do so, merry christmas and happy new year! 


          Question: hey! did we used to talk?
          Answer: Um, I don't think so. But I do remember reading some of your works in the past - they're pretty good, from what I remember! But, no, I don't think we've talked; the most likely place you would have found me was in a comments section, and I stopped commenting a long time ago. Sorry!


          Question: Hi! Just wanna say if it's ok I have an au for your brightness in bondage book! 
          Answer: Of course! I'm honored to inspire someone! When you get around to publishing it, maybe let me know? I'd love to read it, and the AU sounds pretty cool! Good luck, and have a great day!


            The book is published!


   talking to you- 
            Ok Uni, be cool...


@JuniorLoverYAY (also relevant to other people who follow me)
          Ohmygoodnesssss! Thank you so much for your kind words! It's brightened my day so much to see that my work has actually influenced someone to be happier! Thank you! And, no, you don't sound like a creep; you're awesome!
          And um, yes, I guess I shouldn't have half-died without telling anyone lol. I haven't been updating recently because I'm taking part in an undertale community project known as "Our Multiverse," which is a roleplay on Discord with about twenty people who are making our own Undertale multiverse! I'm the chief editor, which takes a lot of my time (and I'm also sick rn so that's sad), but it's really enjoyable work! I am still working on my own stuff, but it's definitely going to take longer for updates to come out on all my works. 
          Just so I can know what you guys want, if you want something updated sooner, please let me know either here or on a comment in one of my stories, and I'll do my best to work on it more! Thank you for everything, by the way!
          *cough* here's the link to the Discord if you're interested: *cough*
          Anyways, thank you again, and I'm sorry that updates have been slow/nonexistent.
          And, no, I haven't forgotten about Across Time and Space, so no worries there xD.
          Have a great day!


@Clichely TYRANNO RAI-
            Oh. Sorry. Not the best place for that-
            Eh, anyways, you're fine, Head Creator, unlike The Collection.


@Clichely casually ignores the fact you started the project in the first place


i am a god now -ascends- -descends in no discord -


Oh, looky here!
          I’ve got more to say of amazing things about you.
          This time I put more thought into this, I’ve wanted to say more but my mind wasn’t working well at the moment. I ate too much candyz :3
          But, before I go on a full rant. Please, tell me if I sound like a creep or making you uncomfortable! Thank you.
          I've never really liked things, everything is bland and boring but looking at your work gives me this feeling I can't understand. It fills my emptiness and gives me some emotion to me. I love it and I know it, it gives me true happiness. I never thought of my future before, but when I saw your work. I knew who I wanted to be and I’ve been putting progress in it! Seeing your works, grammar, style, and plotting makes me motivated and so happy! I've never thought I would actually feel something this exciting, or just love it so much. Your art is super cool too! I've noticed your art, and I'm saying you're improving more and more. In both your writing and drawing. You're doing so great, and I can tell you going to have a heck of a great future. I've never met someone who made a lot of stories on Dust, but realizing he is a really cool character with a great story! You make him more interesting too! Sorry if this is too much, also I have no clue if your updating or not. (_ _ ||) Wattpadd isn't giving me updates, or notifications for some reason. I do check if your stories changed just in case, but EHHH. Stupid Wattpad >:(. 
          I hope you have a great day or night! Have fun too! :) that's all I have to say, thank you for coming to my pep talk. :D


          Wow, it's amazing to hear that you've been inspired by one of my works! Thank you so much! I look forward to reading your story! 
          As for crediting, I'm not particular. You don't really have to credit me at all, and if you do, I'd be happy with just a small mention in the description or first chapter. Thank you again, and I hope to read your story very soon! 
          Have a great day!


          Hey, thanks for thinking my opinion means something! I read over your samples, and I've got to say, they're really good! I'm not sure if you wanted constructive criticism or just to know if someone else thought they were cool, but just in case, I'll offer both.
          Your samples are definitely good enough to post! They're way better than some of the stuff I've posted over the years, and, to be quite honest, it doesn't matter what others think (yes, this includes me - I'm not special). As long as you're happy with your work, you should do what you think is best. Don't let insignificant doubts of your ability get in the way of your goals! You can be a great writer, even if you never post anything, and you deserve to know that! 
          That being said, if you ever do decide to post anything, I'll be sure to check it out; those samples were really interesting!
          In the way of constructive criticism, you should probably try to avoid tense shifts (using "was" [past tense] in one sentence and using "has" [present tense] in the next) unless it's unavoidable in a certain context. Dialogue, of course, is an exception, since people can't go back to "edit"what they just said, if you understand what I mean.
          Also, just for general tips, if you have an English book for school (if you go to school), taking a look in there and seeing different ways to improve your grammar is a great way to give yourself some constructive criticism, too. Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect (mine certainly isn't xD), but good grammar does attract more readers. This is really just a general tip for everyone, though; your grammar looks good in the samples! 
          Last, since I don't want to waste any more of your time, taking a look inside a thesaurus is a great way to expand your vocabulary and have more options for vivid expressions. Saying "sprinted" or "jogged" can be much more effective than simply saying "ran."
          Well, I hope this helps!
          Have a great day!