
I need help finding a camren story i read awhile back it's a trilogy and I'm pretty sure the 3rd book still isn't finished.  It's about camila she lives with only her mom because her dad left when she was younger a bit after her sister died. However camila's mom dies from cancer and she has to move in with her dad now. When she reaches his house she meets lauren and normani who is Lauren's step sister and maggie who is Lauren's younger sister. In one chapter lauren gets mad that camila lives under the stairwell in a little room and just eats peanut butter and bread so she gives her a room upstairs and tells her to eat whatever she likes. Eventually they end up together and camila is pregnant in the 3rd book. Please someone help me find this book(s). I really can't find it anywhere. 


@Clexa3316  Well the reason you can't find it anywhere is because the author got reported. She will bring back the books though when it's save. The authors name is lernjergi97_ and the name of the first book is fallen too far.


I need help finding a camren story i read awhile back it's a trilogy and I'm pretty sure the 3rd book still isn't finished.  It's about camila she lives with only her mom because her dad left when she was younger a bit after her sister died. However camila's mom dies from cancer and she has to move in with her dad now. When she reaches his house she meets lauren and normani who is Lauren's step sister and maggie who is Lauren's younger sister. In one chapter lauren gets mad that camila lives under the stairwell in a little room and just eats peanut butter and bread so she gives her a room upstairs and tells her to eat whatever she likes. Eventually they end up together and camila is pregnant in the 3rd book. Please someone help me find this book(s). I really can't find it anywhere. 


@Clexa3316  Well the reason you can't find it anywhere is because the author got reported. She will bring back the books though when it's save. The authors name is lernjergi97_ and the name of the first book is fallen too far.