
The last chapter of Teach Her to Love will be up later today! I am extremely grateful for all the support people have given my story. After four years it's finally finished, thank you so much to the people who have stuck around for that long and thank you to the new comers who stumble across my story and continue to support it. Just a big jolly thank you to everyone! Happy new year! xx


The last chapter of Teach Her to Love will be up later today! I am extremely grateful for all the support people have given my story. After four years it's finally finished, thank you so much to the people who have stuck around for that long and thank you to the new comers who stumble across my story and continue to support it. Just a big jolly thank you to everyone! Happy new year! xx


i love your stories.  do u have  any plans for a sequel  for teaching  her to love


@Clara_J maybe an epilogue?


@ifunnylover Thank you so much! I would prefer it to be one self contained story but I have thought about it and I'm not opposed to the idea at all. Perhaps in the future :)


Hey! I hope you are doing amazing, because you are amazing! So, I would like to apologize for not liking your chapters even though I freaking love your story. I fixed my mistake though. I would also like to point out that you are incredibly talented and it is just outrageous how you don't have many likes. But not to worry, because I am your loyal reader and I will definitely stick around. :D not that I am much , but yeah... Hope to hear from you soon!


You're very kind thank you so much! That's a lovely thing to do. I love it when readers engage with me, I think it's incredibly kind and supportive so thank you so so much. I should have another chapter up soon, I'm just proofreading/editing it now :)


You are an amazing writer! Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I love the way you made feel all throughout "Teach Her To Love", is amazing. I started reading it this morning and I am anxious to see what's next. Thank you!


Thank you, you're too kind! I'm glad you like it, I'm uploading again very soon. Thank you for taking the time to read it!


Hey! I was just wondering if you were still around or not... I love your story Teach Her to Love and would like to see it continue if you're still up for writing it. You are an amazing writer and even if you don't finish the stories here on Wattpad, or even at all, I think you should keep writing. I know your stories never got super popular here on Wattpad, but to me they are some of the best on the entire website. A lot of authors whose books I enjoy reading have randomly stopped writing and I got over their books, but your books I can't seem to stop waiting on. I hope you do update your books again soon, or at least get back to my message. And I hope everything is okay.


Yeah, I was so super excited when I saw you updated!! And I'm glad that you are still writing and also a bit sad that Teach Her to Love is almost done if you are hoping to have completed it by the end of summer (so it is completely okay if you don't finish it by then...).  I agree that Wattpad has made many changes, some I'm not to excited about, but anyway I'm happy you're still around and writing!


This is such a wonderfully nice comment! Thank you so so much! I've just a minute ago uploaded another chapter. I think I'm getting back into the swing of things now and I hope I can finish it by the end of summer (easier said than done for me aha). But thank you so much for sticking around. I was surprised to see how much the site had changed so it's nice that some things are still familiar :)