
Woo! High fantasy just added Twisted Hero to their Middle Earth reading list! 


Woo! High fantasy just added Twisted Hero to their Middle Earth reading list! 


I don’t know how many people have seen, but a lot of Wattpad Ambassador run profiles are no longer affiliated with Wattpad and have been reworked or otherwise deleted. Wattpad Dark Fantasy, Tales of the Deep, Stories Undiscovered, as well as several others have been reworked, while profiles such as YA, Urban Fantasy, Dangerous Love, and Horns and Halos seem to have been deleted entirely. 
          My story My Parasite was heavily dependent on prompts from the now cancelled Shadow Trials. Seeing as there was only one month left, I hope to write my own ending to the story in the coming months (probably after ONC). I’m also interested in potentially adding more chapters to make it a longer story in the future.
          What are your thoughts on these changes?


@CirinaSea  I have noticed the changes but I have no idea why they are happening.


@StephanieProchaska I’ve seen some people speculate that profiles with less traffic end up becoming unaffiliated, while others think Wattpad might be doing a huge overhaul. I really don’t know what to think :|


@AnnamitaMuscaria Yeah, I was surprised about that one and Stories Undiscovered. 


Does anyone else have brain fog specifically when writing stories? I can write this post just fine. I can message friends just fine. But writing stories? Everything goes blurry in my head and I can’t think of how words are supposed to form sentences. It’s so bad that when I read my stuff back I have no memory of writing what I wrote outside of plot points. It feels like I’m writing blind. Does anyone else have this? 


@MasterofMad_ness As someone who doesn’t speak any other languages, I’m sorry to tell you that probably isn’t it :(


Yeah i get this too...I thought it was because I'm studying French and Spanish for my degree and I was hoping it was a sign of proficiency in those but I'm not sure anymore ahaha 


Any of you ever get a little too invested in your writing to the point where you almost put yourself in crazy scenarios for science?  Legit almost just asked my fiancé to drag me across the room at high speed so I could describe the feeling. 


@CrazyBird2005 Willing to test for me? :D


@CirinaSea Smh you should have used your friends to test that theory out.


Just published the first chapter of my ONC entry, Sorry, Your Quest Cannot Be Completed! I think I'll only be entering one story this year since I still have The Shadow Trials and my Ethereal rewrite to write :') 
          Here's a link to my entry!
          In the year 2032, the first AI-assisted RPG was released, allowing players for the first time to freely interact with NPCs so long as the AI could keep up with their requests. It's not long before a glitch is discovered allowing immortal NPCs to die. 
          Celine discovers that her world is not quite what she thought it was. Her "Gods" are a mere system that has predetermined the fate of everyone she knows - except for one person. This sole person must be the key to her world. But will he have a reason to stick around once his quest is complete? 
          "Well, then, I'll just make sure his quest can't be completed."


I just realized the ONC prompts got posted yesterday after I got flooded with notifications from people I follow entries. Oops. Guess I’m a day late to the party.
          I have four ideas for entries and how insane would it be if I entered all four?  I might write the first chapter of all four and see which I like best. 
          Anyone else having trouble picking a prompt? 


@Dark_Ghostie Yeah, I’ve been seeing a lot of people combine them. I personally don’t like combining prompts most of the time because I feel like it ends up being forced  It’s great for those who can make it work though. Are you entering? 


@CirinaSea oh haha nice! Writing for 4 prompts can be hard, but just see which ones works out the best for you. I think some even combined them?? Not too sure about that though haha