
I love my shizu-chan! I love the way he acts! So gentle and kind to me.


Yey! I found you! RP with you later!


@_AudTiger_ oh sorry I was sleeping if you give me like 2 hours and a half I will be ready I have school but it's home school so... Ha make a death note or a L x lift one and I will join byeee


I'm ready to RP again!


Hi all my lovely humans I just had something I would like to talk about. So if you are a black butler or kuroshituji fan then you most likely know Sebaciel. So in this is Ciel and Sebastian. Now when in human form Sebastian looked 25/26 and Ciel is 13. If you want to be more logical then Sebastian is 1000000000 years old. So I don't think that a 13 year old boy and a 100000000 year old demon should be together. I mean I like them together but as a buster young lord relationship ok. But no one will be better then me and my shizu-chan right?


I know I'm right!