
First chapter to the Part 1 of Sakusa FF coming today! <3
          	See you later! 


Hey heyyyyy! 
          Gonna temporarily unpublish the second part of The Clever Series to change and amplify the last few chapters. There are some changes I’d like to make, so please wait till I republish them. 
          PS: the 3rd installment  is coming soon! I haven’t forgotten, don’t worry. ✨


Phew! Just finished Syndicating Us after almost 2 years. Wow time flies especially when you have to study and write a fanfiction on the side to stay sane! However, I hope you will have a fantastic time reading it and wait for the next and final part of the Clever Series Trilogy! Seeee youuu! <3


Hey there readers! I hope you've been following the 'Syndicating Us' Haikyuu FF, as we're inching very close to its completion. Watch out for Chapter 18's update which is gonna happen in the next couple of days. It's the concluding chapter (not including the epilogue) and hints at the next part of the Clever Trilogy. I know my updates have been super sporadic, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me till the very end. <3


Hello lovely readers!
          I have final exams coming soon, for which I need to prepare. Although I just started writing Tendou's fanfiction, I find it very draining especially with my exams around the corner and I need to be mentally alert! 
          The FF's from 1st POV, and writing it in that styling takes a toll on me, because Tendou is hypersensitive, he overthinks, and he has a penchant to take everything personally. Being in his shoes, is very mentally draining and writing his thoughts is very challenging.
          Maybe I'll upload once in a while, but it won't be regular updates for sure. :((
          If you were waiting, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. I didn't expect this FF to be so tough. I think I became a little ambitious with it, so please accept my apologies.
          Many, many sorry's, and much love! <3
          - Chrysalis_Girl


In that style*** 