
Hi everyone! I'm excited to announce that my novel--Infinitus, Book 1 of The Infinitus Saga--is finally finished and available on Kindle!  I am so excited to see this book finally be born! Check it out and leave me a review on Amazon.


There's a few minutes left in #RareDiseaseDay 2020. If you didn't get the chance to recognize it, please don't pass up this opportunity to learn more about illnesses affecting the people in your life or community. I have a genetic condition called hypermobile #Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome or #hEDS.  My spine decided to recognize the day early, back on Wednesday,  by going out again and putting me into a wheelchair for a while. I'm back on my feet, with my cane, but it's going to be a while before I can drive alone again. But there are worse things for sure, and I'm thankful I don't have them! I'm a proud #Zebra. To get a glimpse into the life of a zebra character, check out my story, The Global Fellowship, and meet Arthur and his sister Gina. 


@ChristianeJoyAllison *fingers crossed* there won't be a next time.


@MoodyMooseMouse Thanks! :) It's such a pain when it's so spontaneous. This time, though,  I went back and reflected and realized I'd been having some warning signs for about a week - pain in my calves and tripping so often I actually noticed it. I just didn't understand what the signs meant because this is only the second time this joint has gone out, and it was much different last time. A family member has the same injury, though without the EDS, and we were able to compare notes and confirm that my body had been trying to tell me it was coming for a little while. Next time, maybe I'll catch it early.  *fingers crossed*


@ChristianeJoyAllison I'm pleased to hear that you are back on your feet.


As many of you know, my husband was recently released from four and a half years of wrongful conviction in our battle that has now lasted for more than a decade of my life. It has been such a blessing to have him home with me, and we are now gearing up to continue that age-old fight. They don't want to concede that they were wrong. There are also no programs provided to people wronged by the U.S. legal system in our state. They just dump you back out without so much as a sorry - in our case, it's more of a "Enjoy it now. We're still coming for you." Fortunately for us, there is an amazing family of exonerees and innocence projects across the U.S. who have been through this as well. This year is the first year my husband will have the chance to attend as an exoneree. If we can get there, he'll get to meet other men and women facing the same battle of coming home with no government support or compensation, who have also been dragged back to court time and time again in the battle for their lives.  If anyone is interested in helping us make it to this amazing opportunity next month, I've set up a fundraising page here -->  No matter what, I thank you to all of you who have extended kind words and compassion as I have shared this part of my life.  Your kindness gives me hope.


The Global Fellowship ebook is available for $0.99 this month!  Did you enjoy the story and would like to own a copy for your favorite e-reader? Now if your chance to get it! It includes the prologue from the next novel Infinitus. Check out this story and other amazing short fiction stories at super discounted prices just for the month of February! 


More exciting news! I've finished my second children's picture book!
          It has been such a grueling month, trying to release two books at once. Take it from me... don't try it. Space things out and save yourself the pain. However, I am so excited to see two of my babies finally out the door!  For anyone who hasn't seen my children's picture book series before, I have a story for them here called the Where is Uncle? Series.
          The latest book is Book 2, Timmy and Kate Go To Visit: A story for children visiting a loved one in prison.  It is now available in paperback through I plan to launch it in e-book and hardback as well in the coming weeks. 
          Check it out and consider recommending it to your local library for the kiddos in your area that could benefit from knowing they're not alone. :)


Exciting News! Pre-order The Global Fellowship in e-book today!! 
          I've completely rewritten The Global Fellowship, transforming it from a short story into a full-fledged novelette. So, if you've read it before, please take this chance to go see how a story can transform into something even more amazing through the grueling editing process. 
          Even more exciting, the story now has a place as the official Prelude to The Infinitus Saga - the sci-fi, dystopian, cyberpunk series I plan to launch in 2020.  Therefore, while I will leave it up here on Wattpad for your reading pleasure, I recognize that many folks may wish to own their own copy in ebook or print. So...
          You can now pre-order The Global Fellowship in ebook through Amazon!!
          I am working on getting the book available in paperback and EPUB ebook as well and will make another announcement once that's available. Enjoy! And please help me out by sharing on social media.


I awoke to the best news of my life this morning. No joke. No sarcasm.  After 4.5 years of separation from wrongful conviction and incarceration, my husband might be able to come home. I know this is not writing-related, but I appreciate those of you who have supported me and my work through these incredibly difficult years. 


@ChristianeJoyAllison Yeah, our justice system is royally screwed. It's really sad. I'm not super religious myself, but my mom and I are still praying for you.<3


@MoodyMooseMouse Thank you so much, and for checking out more of my work. It means a lot.  <3


@damnallgoodnamesgone Thank you so much! I am a person of faith so it's hard not to protect myself from getting my hopes up, but I am keeping my hope in God alone at this point (because the system has none for itself).


Hi everyone! I'd really love it if you would consider nominating some of my work to The Fiction Awards 2019 - You simply comment on the category with the name of the work and my username. Here is an example to consider.
          "The Global Fellowship by @ChristianeJoyAllison" under: Best Science Fiction Story, Best Short Story, Best of the Beginners, Best Diverse Book or Best Overall Story. I'd appreciate any nominations for any of my works!  :)


Hi everyone! Sorry it's been forever since I've updated, but launching two books at once is a little nuts even for me. I wanted to make a quick announcement that the final day of my KickStarter campaign for my upcoming children's picture book (Timmy & Kate Go To Visit) is today! If you'd like to support my work and grab your own signed copy or cool Timmy and Kate swag, check it out ASAP. You can find more information on those books here now. Yay!