
I thought everyone should know, I unpublished Trophic Cascade.  I did this because I am working on revisions to the book right now, and the ending is going to change.  Also, working on a publication path for this book.  I might re publish it with a new cover, in the new draft.  It is an idea I am flouting around. Let me know if that is something you would like to read.  In the mean time, I posted Golden Touch again, and hope to put more work into that book soon.  Thanks everyone.  Happy writing.


I thought everyone should know, I unpublished Trophic Cascade.  I did this because I am working on revisions to the book right now, and the ending is going to change.  Also, working on a publication path for this book.  I might re publish it with a new cover, in the new draft.  It is an idea I am flouting around. Let me know if that is something you would like to read.  In the mean time, I posted Golden Touch again, and hope to put more work into that book soon.  Thanks everyone.  Happy writing.


I wanted to work on the pacing of one of the chapter, and I ended up writing 2000 more words.  I'm happy with what I have done for Trophic Cascade, and feel I can finally say, it's done.  Trophic Cascade is officially complete!
          P.S. Sorry for all the notifications, I had to do some housekeeping.


Guess what you guys. . .
          Trophic Cascade is complete. I have been working hard, and right now my brain is tired. There is still some editing that I want to focus on with some chapters, but the plan is to get all of that worked out by the end of the week. For now, my story is posted at the best I can do, and I hope you all enjoy.


@knlbooks Thank you so much, that is super sweet.


Congratulations on the completion and good luck on the editing!


I have been working really hard on Trophic Cascade and I just wanted to make an update he do you know what time the rain supposed to chapter as soon as I I did it and it's turning out to be like a chapter at 8 so if you're interested about my story the plot is getting exciting and things are happening


Not that long ago I took part in a contest organized by, @SarahDey06
          First off, I would like to thank Sarah for her skills and dedication to organizing such a fun contest. She put a lot of work into it, and with the help of her judges and participant, it came together nicely.  
          I entered Trophic Cascade into Teen Fiction, even though I would say that my book is more of a New Adult, Teen Fiction falls under that same umbrella sometimes.  So Trophic Cascade won 2nd place in that category.  I'm feel so honored that it got so high regards, and wanted to share my appreciation.
