
Wow its today? tommorow? already jeez..


Hey, Sorry sooo much guys but my phone was wiped and now i cant use this account. Ya know how bad i am at passwords. I'll try to not loose this account as well. Im currently in the process of making a zodiac story and a new story which i think will be cool. Not sure on how you guys are gonna take it though.


Quote Time:
          - When you try your best but you don't succeed, when you get what you want and not what you need.
          -She spills these words across the page it helps to ease the pain and she cries. Nobody out there wants to understand.
          -It's where my demons hide, don't get too close it's dark inside.
          -And I don't want the world to see me 'cuz I don't think that they'd understand.
          (and now the people that sing them with song names)
          - Coldplay, Fix You.
          - Ross Copperman, All She Wrote
          - Imagine Dragons, Demons
          - The Goo Goo Dolls, Iris


If life was a person it would be my sisters twin. they're both unfair and evil in their own ways. They can both be nice. But they like twisting things around for people to make them upset. Honestly, I'd rather take my chances with Life then have to spend another second with my sister. She's not even my full sister just my half.. that would be better just half of her. I'd go for the bottom end it would talk as much.


Hey guys just finished writing a draft of my English homework. We gave to make a poem about something we hate. So please read and tell me what you think its called, Dear Social People.
          Dear Social People,
          Here's some reasons I hate you,
          You drag me out my house,
          Force me to do as you do 
          Your attempts to engage me
          But I don't want to, you see?
          I have to leave my nice warm bed
          Why should I? I'm seeing red
          Dear Social People,
          I'd rather watch Nexflix or my TV,
          Maybe I can write it on my CV.
          Social events like Valentine
          I'll stay at home and it'll be fine.
          All that other social time
          I'm at home the choice is mine.
          Dear Social People
          Halloween and Easter, I'd rather pass
          Christmas, birthdays people by the mass.
          Loads of people are gathering round,
          I'm now nowhere to be found..
          Did I forget to mention oh oops!
          I really hate massive groups..
          Dear Social People,
          We hate you so
          Reasons of course now you know.
          So social people leave us be
          When we're at home we ARE free.
          We really don't want to start a row
          But leave us be you do know how.
          I feel like this should all be said
          I feel better now it's read.