
So apparently it's been like more than three years since I posted the first chapter of my Niall fic so if you think your writers block is bad...
          	I haven't been able to write more than a paragraph for like 8 months.
          	I need help.


So, for any of my followers that are reading my NH book, Enigma, first off I would like to apologize for not updating in so long, I honestly am having such a hard time with the story. I know where I want it to go and I have future chapters planned out, but I don't know how to get to those from where I am.
          Also, I am really debating rewriting what I have so far so that it is no longer in first person POV, and is instead in third person. But that would take forever and I just don't know.
          Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated :) I want to know how you guys write your books so well without like, dying, idk.


@AvaLevesque Haha that sounds great! I used to write out my other chapters before I needed them (if I had a good enough idea of where the story would go) but for some reason the plot line would always change and I'd end up deleting like ten pages of work... I usually listen to music, but never thought of listening according to the mood! That's genius! I will have to try that later today if I have time :) Thanks for the help! (And for the record, anybody who writes anything is a professional author in my opinion)