
Hello! I am full of lack of sleep! About to enter eight/nine hours of mental torture! And want to roleplay!! Please reply to this or dm me if you wanna rp
          	Violet Evergarden 
          	Detroit becomes human
          	Star Wars (mainly rebels or clone/bb)
          	Marvel (mainly Avengers and X-men)
          	And Voltron (1984 or 2018)


read it all !↓ ↓I mean it !↓ If you were killed , I wouldn't be at your funeral . I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you . We are true friends . We ride together, we die together . Send this to everybody you care about , including me , if you care . #⃣See how many times u get this #⃣ I want you to know you are an amazing friend , till death and forever . If I don't get this back , I understand . But I have a game for you . Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people , including me . ❤ If you get at least three back, you are loved. ❤ Nobody knows how important something is , until they lose it . Tonight, (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you . Then, from 1 : 00 pm to 2 : 00 pm , be ready for the shock of your life ! If you break this chain , you will have bad luck . With love , send this to the 15 If you don't, you will turn ugly in the next y e a r - A friend told me to do this, so past it on. Tomorrow, two boys / girls will ask if they can I have your number ? Send this message to 15 nice , people or bad luck starts for a whole year . This is not fake . Apparently, if you copy and paste this , you will have the best day of your life tomorrow ! Good luck ! Oh ! And don’t send this to a group chat -


Hello! I am full of lack of sleep! About to enter eight/nine hours of mental torture! And want to roleplay!! Please reply to this or dm me if you wanna rp
          Violet Evergarden 
          Detroit becomes human
          Star Wars (mainly rebels or clone/bb)
          Marvel (mainly Avengers and X-men)
          And Voltron (1984 or 2018)


Ok so on my library I have a book on it called cancel p*rn. Please please read it and spread it to others so what gross stuff that had happened to the 15 year old mentioned in the book can stop. People are just gross and disgusting and we need more awareness on this. Tag others and do what you can to spread this


Sorry everyone for being gone. I was in the hospital and unable to get on as well as school and really bad health issues


Thanks. And I am so so sorry about vanishing on you again.


I am so sorry on vanishing with out warning guys.


Oh no!!! I hope that you’re better now!!! <3


A star has 5 ends A square has 4 ends A triangle has 3 ends A line has 2 ends But the circle of our friendship has no ends. Send this to all of your friends (including me if I’m one) If you get 5 back, good job If you get 10 back, you’re popular If you get 15 back, DANG IM JEALOUS!


what happened to ur legs
          sry if its a painful subject


@ChildofChiron oof I had to go to pt and it sucked. Hope you can get better!


Tumor on my brain stem caused nerual damage, so I have difficulty with walking and standing and is mainly in a wheelchair, but I am doing PT to try and get to a point where I can walk again. Will just take time.


Hey so this is weird but it’s not letting me DM you.  Idk what went wrong but I’m still trying to figure it out.  It just keeps telling me that I can’t reply to our conversation. Are you having the same issue?   I’ll let you know when I have this sorted out.


@Dragonriders_Of_Pern is the conversation back? Let me go see if I still have it.


@Dragonriders_Of_Pern I reported the problem to Wattpad and they said that it was likely from planned maintenance, and because of that, the function of DMs were temporarily offline.  When I had the issue, I went back a little bit later, and everything was back to normal, and I got my messages back.


I'm actually having the same problem. I was about to reply this morning, but when I tried to message you back, it said "You can't reply to this conversation." I reloaded to see if that worked, and when I went back into my inbox, the entire conversation had deleted.