
@LilAngel45 I am actually so happy and flattered that I have inspire you! I didn't think I was capable of that. Go on right ahead and write that story! I can't wait to read it. It sounds really good! And I never get mad at people who are inspired by my work. Actually, I encourage it! I love creating characters and scenarios for people to work on. Ask my best friend! She'll tell you! (I actually force stories on her but she loves it anywayz! LOL)


@LilAngel45 I am actually so happy and flattered that I have inspire you! I didn't think I was capable of that. Go on right ahead and write that story! I can't wait to read it. It sounds really good! And I never get mad at people who are inspired by my work. Actually, I encourage it! I love creating characters and scenarios for people to work on. Ask my best friend! She'll tell you! (I actually force stories on her but she loves it anywayz! LOL)

Enchantedspacetaco read ur the you've of Emily.greenstone it.was really.good so it inspired. Me to rite a story similar to it...please don't.get mad I if.u want but.I.just wanted to get ur opinion first on it :) ~~~         I lay there barley breathing not moving a muscle not making a sound. I knew I was never going to move or make a sound again. As I laid there I saw my life flash through my eyes. As if the days had only happend recently. Then my mind suddenly stopped to one particular memory. It was of me and i was wearing a pink floppy little tutu and a flowery barret. I was also wearing some black high heels. I thought about the image in my head for a while. Wondering what had this image stop right here or what it had intended to show. Then I had remembered. This was from my days of kinder garden. The days were I felt happy and forgot all of my problems. These were the days when mommy and daddy wouldn't fight  a lot. They only got into little arguments here or there. I suddenly knew why that image was stopped there and wasn't moving on. I knew that God had wanted my to leave with happy thoughts. To forgot the days after. I didn't mind it though either. To be honest I wanted it to stay that way too. As I drifted of into the dark fog that was still relaxing. I could only remember all of the happy thoughts. I remembered when.mommy and daddy actually liked being around each other. When daddy wouldn't take out all of his anger on me . And especially the days were these things didn't matter to me. But for now let me tell you my story. Then story of me and my "challenging" life.