
Gonna write another chapter to Freak Show. I started reading it and decided it could go places. I love you guys


          Hi BCG, I would be happy to swap thoughts on vampires. The story line in Bite me please? isnt very original, a teenage girl falls for a vampire and gets caught up in a world she was never really interested in or even wanted to be a part of, until she finds that her fathers family desends from vampire royalty. The vampires are from my imagination though, they can go out into the sunlight, although it is uncomfortable for them, sunglasses, long sleeves, hats and irratbleness should be expected form a vampire in daylight. Drinking blood is as important to them as water is for humans. Each vampire has a special power wether it be telepathic, elemental, physical, or mental. Vampires, also have heightend senses, super strength, and very fast speed. Any other comment, questions, or notes feel free to say them =^_^=