
Okay, I'm going to tell you something. I don't want you to get discouraged because you only have a few reads. When I first started writing my story, I didn't get many reads. But I kept writing, and I encourage you to do the same. I don't ever want you to give up, okay? Maybe the reads are coming in slow, but give it time. I truly believe you can do it!


So I read your teaser, and I liked it, but I have a few questions, like, who's point of view is it in and what is their name? The only suggestion I have is make sure you space out your paragraphs, so it doesn't seem so long. But other than that, I really enjoyed it and I think you should update and give it a title, etc. Oh, and thank you for dedicating it to me, that meant a whole lot!


You want to be good like ME? I feel so honored already! Of course I'll get out your teaser :)


@GirlyDramaqueen ty BOO. I will keep you updated if you dont mind


Aww, thank you love! Best of luck on the story! :)


@GirlyDramaqueen I read your messages, thank you so much you should feel honored, youre AMAZING! There goes me trying not to give away much but the messing it all up. The point of view was Amber's, im not telling how shes related to Jen (its a secret) and i have a title and evrything i just needed to make sure YOU liked it. Thank you for spreading it around, it already has a few reads. I will take your advice and space out more, i cant wait to release the book, i hope its good, just like yours . brb