
Sorry it took me so long to put out Forevermore but school has been keeping me really busy since the summer so I havent had any time buuuuut new story coming soon (hopefully)!! I may not be on for a while because i have stuff to do i apologize in advance :-)


Sorry it took me so long to put out Forevermore but school has been keeping me really busy since the summer so I havent had any time buuuuut new story coming soon (hopefully)!! I may not be on for a while because i have stuff to do i apologize in advance :-)


okay so I have a problem. Is anyone else having any trouble uploading? I literally have two chapters done in Forevermore and i'll press publish and it won't let me view and share and every time I reload nothing changes. I'm getting super frustrated, but dont worry I DO IN FACT HAVE CHAPTERS DONE!!!


Hey guys so I'm getting rid of two of my stories, When the Heart Stops and The Twilight Hours because I just totally lost any inspiration and ideas for the stories. I am currently working on a new one, I may put two chapters out soon depending on my schedule. -C