
Hi hi everyone, this is Avery, @whiteeelephant! Cat and I have been crazy busy, both of us with school and me with work as well. We are still working on Lauren Lopez x reader one shots! We're going to be shooting for a weekly release, but I have a full course load of college classes and Cat is working her butt off to maintain her GPA, so don't hold us to that. Please please keep those requests coming in, we will get to EVERYTHING!!!
          	-- Avery (and Cat, in spirit)


@ChattyCatherin well we're hoping to get   ATLEAST 1 published over spring break but its definite that we'll be publishing more over summer break!


Hi hi everyone, this is Avery, @whiteeelephant! Cat and I have been crazy busy, both of us with school and me with work as well. We are still working on Lauren Lopez x reader one shots! We're going to be shooting for a weekly release, but I have a full course load of college classes and Cat is working her butt off to maintain her GPA, so don't hold us to that. Please please keep those requests coming in, we will get to EVERYTHING!!!
          -- Avery (and Cat, in spirit)


@ChattyCatherin well we're hoping to get   ATLEAST 1 published over spring break but its definite that we'll be publishing more over summer break!