
What do you guys want to see in the final chapters of  More then Friends. There will probably only be two more then I'll start another fic ;) once finals are over. 
          	Love you all sorry for not updating in a while. Like I said finals :)


To All My Followers: 
          I know its not many right now but I love all 12 of you! 
          :) I want to know what you guys think of my writing  what needs to me improved etc. Just message me. Love to hear from you!
          While I'm just a writer. I want you all to know if you ever need someone to talk to about anything at all I’m here for you. I’ll be that person who listens if you need someone to just hear your thoughts. I know what its like to bottle them up and its not fun. I’m here for you loves. 
          On another note  if you want a imagine. I’m taking request :) It doesn’t have to be Newt he is just my fav. :) hahaha
          ~The Dreamcatcher


Hey guys. Just wrote my first Newt Imagine Beautiful. Its in my Best Maze Runner Imagines book. Check it out :) I actually wrote this one unlike the other newt imagines haha my first go at a Newt Image. Tell me what you guys think. Hope you like it. If you like a image request just message me :) 
          - P.S for my More then Friends fanfic i'll update tomorrow night :)