
My English assessment task is so stupid it makes me wanna cry


I went to like a small spiritual market thing today near my house and I got this cool ear cuff with crystals hanging from it and my mum bought me ‘A teen witch’s guide to spells and charms’ to put aside for my birthday. 
          And a person at one of the tarot card reading stalls commented on my skirt (it’s a long skirt with mushroom, moths and butterflies on it) and it just made me so happy


I’m alive, just tired. I thought I was getting better but I have just gotten worse… and my period (AFAB ) is coming like really soon and that’s when I’m at my lowest so don’t mind me if I kinda just forget about DCAS Opinions (I’m gonna do a Ep 6 chapter tho) and I’m really inactive.


@expIosivo Thanks <3(/p) Hopefully once my period finishes I’ll be a bit better


@Charliethelesbean hope u feel better soon mootie