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Mom's surgery went well. She's still on downtime so I won't have freetime as I'm taking care of her around the house for the time being during full recovery, But. It seems there aren't any face-value complications. We will know come next visit. Praying to whatever the fuck will listen at this point to not have complications.... This has been so dreadfully stressful.


          	  Asclepius will be with you and your mother.


@ChaosOTD I hope everything goes and stays well, I’ll pray for you both


@ChaosOTD My hopes and prayers go out to you and your mother man.


How’s your mother


I’ll keep you both in my prayers 


@NemesisPrime666 Very major surgery coming up.... Have to do a second one. Needless to say I haven't had much time to write let alone the mental health to do so. :(  Appreciate ya checkin' in.


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Mom's surgery went well. She's still on downtime so I won't have freetime as I'm taking care of her around the house for the time being during full recovery, But. It seems there aren't any face-value complications. We will know come next visit. Praying to whatever the fuck will listen at this point to not have complications.... This has been so dreadfully stressful.


            Asclepius will be with you and your mother.


@ChaosOTD I hope everything goes and stays well, I’ll pray for you both


@ChaosOTD My hopes and prayers go out to you and your mother man.


um.... the link is still not working.


I Inbox'd you on here to try to help resolve this, I just got off work.


@NaXFIXS Uuuh. Check DMs on here real quick.


hey your discord link isn't working. 


@NaXFIXS By the way I was in the discord but suddenly my phone started to cause some issues and for some reason I ended up leaving the discord server. I just bought a new phone so I will be joning in just a moment. 


@NaXFIXS Thank ya for being understanding. Hope to see ya in the discord sometime soon. I'm at work currently but I want to try to write abit today if I can manage the free time.


@ChaosOTD No problem. I understand. Everyone has there own fair share of problem in life.


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When it rains it pours. More bad news I guess.
          I hate to continue my indefinite hiatus, But-- Life had other plans. Mom's suffering from a compound vertaebral fracture and I am her sole caretaker. So, Ontop of working 2 jobs from home I'm dealing with this now.
          ---I miss writing so fucking much, I've been so stressed out it is genuinely unreal and this is not how I wanted to start the new year. 
          Once again, I am so very sorry for constant delays. I feel like a failure as a writer with how long my 'breaks' are turning out to be. I wanted to keep a every 2-weeks~1month schedule for releases....


All good, Figured I would atleast invite ya if you did. Hope you have a great day, I'm gonna try to write tomorrow. Can't promise anything, But- I Plan to make an attempt atleast.


@ChaosOTD that’s great for you, I don’t have a discord


@NemesisPrime666 I DM'd ya a link to my disocrd if you ever want to drop by. I got to talk to my ma abit earlier and my nerves are settled slightly.


This will be ramble-y... I am sorry in advance but I needed to get this out of my head. 
          I don't quite know how long it is gonna take me to get back to writing and I am very sorry for that. Due to complications IRL I am currently working 2 jobs, Dealing with tons of stress and genuinely unable to dedicate the time or mental effort to writing right now. I am so sincerely sorry for those of you who've been waiting for updates. I feel godawful about not being more consistent about my posting. A few of you in my discord know the full details of what is going on with me and I am thankful for those of you who check up on me.
           I once again will reiterate, I will not be dropping either of my stories anytime soon. But, Currently I need to take time to take a step back and get my life in order so I can dedicate myself to writing to the standard I try to hold up to. (I will probably be rewriting a few chapters I am unhappy with due to having forced myself to put them out while depressed as shite.) I don't want to give you all a half assed story, I want to give it my all when I write as I enjoy the small community I've built around my stories. 
          Just uh... Thank ya for being patient with me. Sorry for the constant delays. My life has gone to hell this past year or so. But, We're in it for the long haul. 
          I'd love to hear about things you've liked within either of my stories if you read this or care to comment. I could honestly use some positivity right now. Honestly, if you didn't like some things, I'd like to hear that too so I could work on things later. 
          All that said and done, I am going to go lay down. I have been up around 35 hours now... I need to rest. I just needed to get all this out of my head honestly. - Once more, Thank you for reading my works and I hope to be able to give a more positive update soon.


@ChaosOTD haha thanks for the heads up


@Lt_Rotation --Beware of the yandere cult in there. Lmao  You'll understand later if ya join.


@Lt_Rotation I have a discord where I give people updates on what is going on. Just a heads up. I'm doing my best to be more active. Gonna be like a month-ish before I think things get stable.


Just curious if you will update the mask anytime soon?


@Liquasor I have a discord where you can chat with myself or other readers for updates on things. Just saying. <- Always welcome to come in and chat. ^^
            --Beware of the yandere cult in there. Lmao  You'll understand later if ya join.


@ChaosOTD oh no problem bro take your time and sort out your problems first


@Liquasor Things have been very hard for me the past few months. I'm on hiatus of writing until things get more stable. I do apologize as I sincerely feel bad about not updating in so long. ;-; The story hasn't been discontinued or anything. I just lack the free time to write let alone the mental capacity between the two jobs and everything going on to actually dedicate myself to writing. I don't like putting out half-assed chapters and want to rewrite some of my stuff I put out recently as is if you get what I mean. - Sorry for the long winded reply, Just giving my genuine input on what's going on and why I haven't updated lately. :C Thank ya for reading my story though.


Currently very sick, Caught the flu. I feel godawful as I wanted to write updates for both stories but things kept getting in the way. The moment I am better I am writing. I will be ignoring games and anything outside of work to get it done.  I feel bad for those who stuck around reading my stories even with my delays and absence.... I wish my physical health was better, As a writer. This is my sincerest apology to all of you who spurred me on to write so well.  
          "A match 'maid' in hell." Started as a personal joke with a few friends that took root and I took it quite seriously.
          "A mask hides many things" Was originally going to be a one off 5-6 chapter story, But uh.... I got uber invested in it while writing before my life went to hell.
          They both became passion projects I don't plan to abandon. I don't know quite how many chapters either will have yet, But I can confirm I haven't quit writing either. My physical health just isn't good enough to sit and write for more then 2-3 mins at a time before I feel like I'm going to faint currently. ;; Best wishes to all of you. Both writers I follow and readers who show up at my doorstep!
 <- This is my discord, Where I toss around ideas and all with the readers. Some are... A wee bit eccentric, but all in all everyone's very kind in here if you ever want to drop in and discuss things with myself or other readers!  (Fair warning, Some of the members are trying to start a cult about yandere characters- Lmao. So uh, Expect spam in regards to that I guess?) 
          Much love from the writer, ChaosOTD out for right now, I am going to rest.


@_MAX0910 indeed my friend it is I Fanta Lanta 


Our love for Yanderes shall flourish!