
my whole body feels like it’s being stabbed and the mf that’s responsible for that is my uterus, i love being a girl but hate having periods, like I can’t describe how useless I feel when I can’t even walk because of cramps, I have to invent new yoga positions just for my cramps to not feel as intense but it doesn’t work no matter how much I try, sometimes it feels like I’m dying a slow but sure death that’s a week long and comes back every month for the next 40 or so years ☻ 


How are you bestie? (◕ᴗ◕✿)


@LoveTriangle_Bitch I’m really really really so very happy you said that and I’m so so so glad you’re doing great, I honestly missed the people on this app a lot lmao, that was the biggest compliment I ever receive honestly 




@ChanlixForMySoul Ofc I remember my favorite Chanlix writer!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥ I'm glad you're okay and I missed you too!! I'm doing great ^^


my whole body feels like it’s being stabbed and the mf that’s responsible for that is my uterus, i love being a girl but hate having periods, like I can’t describe how useless I feel when I can’t even walk because of cramps, I have to invent new yoga positions just for my cramps to not feel as intense but it doesn’t work no matter how much I try, sometimes it feels like I’m dying a slow but sure death that’s a week long and comes back every month for the next 40 or so years ☻ 


please tell me I’m not the only one who wakes up anxious and cannot go back to sleep for the love of god after that *insert desperate crying* I honestly don’t even know what to do at this point because I just can’t control my morning anxiety 


@-HAOLUVS thank you for describing it so well oh my god (T_T)


@ChanlixForMySoul SAME !!! as soon as i open my eyes my mind starts opening hundreds of tabs all at once and its a mess to say the least. im so tired of thinking about what i could've said in the argument that happened an year ago or the feels playing at the maximum volume in my head and my stomach feeling weird and anxious for no reason at all. i need a break.


parents had a car accident, oven broke, the power went out pretty much daily, dad is in the hospital due to covid, mom is positive too, i think I had it last week too but my tests were negative, gotta quarantine, online school sucks cuz our high budget school provides no internet in classrooms so every class feels like it’s being taught in a microwave, half of the teachers don’t show up to school cuz they’re in quarantine but our school still decides to torture its students just for competition so we’re the “school that still remained opened during days with 40k+ cases of covid” (if you compare that number to my country’s population, it’s big) but that’s plain stupid because the staff is sick and not even in school — in conclusion pray for me please 


@atinystreet @jenotech Thank you so much for the encouraging words guys, it means a lot to me, I love you guys  <333333


@ChanlixForMySoul aw man :( ur in my thoughts, hoping for the best for u!!


@ChanlixForMySoul  I’ll pray for you. Stay strong yeah? And the government is kinda stupid for letting schs open


besties, my parents had a car accident, no motivation for now so expect an update the next week? hope to finish some chapters by tonight maybe 


@ChanlixForMySoul so glad to hear that <3 /gen i hope he gets to come home soon


@jenotech @LoveTriangle_Bitch They're both safe, my dad is in the hospital because he was almost in a critical state but he's getting better day by day and hopefully he will be released this week, thank you guys <333


Besties i don’t know what happened today but it wasn’t it for me and my fam, like I woke up bad, my neck hurt like hell plus I dreamed of a demon and that was scary, my mom had to do a big batch of cupcakes for someone and our oven broke midway thru it, the heat thingie wouldn’t stop and it burned all the cupcakes and we have to buy a new oven now and had to remove it from our kitchen, not to mention how sick I’ve been for the past few days plus all the lessons and hw I have to do cuz I couldn’t go all week to school and ahhhhh someone please send me some luck cuz today felt like a curse 


@renminzone thank you so much <333


@ChanlixForMySoul hoping things get better for you and your family, im sorry this happened D;


since i’ve left all social media excluding wattpad, i have been much better, and i’m feeling actually happy for once, really recommend it to other people who find it difficult to manage their online persona, i left because i had big exams coming up but now i realized how i’ve become a better person without anyone standing in my way, also advice on relationships, just don’t :) your studies and academic accomplishments are far much more important than someone, we’re talking about your future here, take that with a grain of salt but if no one said it to me i’m going to say it to others, best advice i could give honestly, see u loveliez in the next book update (still not quite sure when but trust the process) (^з^)-☆


@-HAOLUVS i miss you too bestie (*´∇`*) i hope you’re doing great ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶


@ChanlixForMySoul take care !!! i miss you sm <3


googles “how to indirectly tell your friends to stop bragging cuz it’s not cute when it happens 15 times a day”


@whatduhfuck that’s some really good advice, thanks 


@ChanlixForMySoul “ask how something went that you know went horribly”