
I just embarrassed myself in front of my crush today
          	Kill me 


Is it just me or does anyone else just love authors who dont post frequently but when they do its the lengthiest chapter with over 3,000 words


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I watched FNAF lol
          Critics are full of shit, FNAF was so good oml


@Chanisthestandard Ooo ok I’ll have to try and get time to go watch it hehe but thank you! And that would be funnnn I love the good theater people. And oooo I’ll look forward to that


@FuqnUgh yesss, personally I rlly liked it. I could see why someone wouldn't, there was a part where I was kinda disappointed in but it didn't matter cuz my disappointment went away lol. The ppl at my theater were so fun omg. A person screamed at smth and my friends laughed so hard 
            *VAGUE SPOILER*
            There were some honorable appearances and ppl clapped lol 


Was it?!? My friends going to see it with her bf tomorrow and my brother saw it with his friends today and I wanna see it but I was never really into fnaf so idk if I would like it 


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Y'know when you're really nice to the point that everyone wants to be your friend but not nice enough that someone wants to be your lover? Thats me every single fucking day and I fucking hate it.
          Like fuck what am I doing wrong?


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Yall i shit you not my phone got stolen 
          Using an old phone rn :P


In placed it on top of my bag and the i went to go around the corner where there was more space and less sunlight so I could play volleyball with my friends then when I went back to get it it just wasnt there 