
I feel like a lot of people forget that Krul and Ferid's(From ONS or SOTE) names are actually based on real people.
          	Ferid Bathory = Elizabeth Báthory
          	Nádasdy aka. Countess Dracula.
          	Elizabeth is said to have killed at least
          	600 of her servants but this number
          	may be exaggerated.
          	Krul Tepes = Vlad Tepes aka. Vlad Ill,
          	Vlad the Impaler(Tepes in Romanian), and Vlad Dracula(Son of the Dragon).
          	Vlad was a sadistic leader who was
          	directly responsible for the deaths of 80,000 people.
          	I'm going to go into a lot of gruesome details so if you don't want to hear about it, SKIP IT
          	Vlad the Impaler had many torture methods but as you may have guessed, his favorite method is the one in his name. To torture his victims, Vlad would place a sharpened pike up their rectum before setting the pike upright. As gravity did its thing, the person would be pulled down and eventually the pike would exit through the abdomen, chest or neck. He would have these people on display to warn enemies of what he would do to them. For more information, I suggest this link: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Vlad-the-Impaler


I feel like a lot of people forget that Krul and Ferid's(From ONS or SOTE) names are actually based on real people.
          Ferid Bathory = Elizabeth Báthory
          Nádasdy aka. Countess Dracula.
          Elizabeth is said to have killed at least
          600 of her servants but this number
          may be exaggerated.
          Krul Tepes = Vlad Tepes aka. Vlad Ill,
          Vlad the Impaler(Tepes in Romanian), and Vlad Dracula(Son of the Dragon).
          Vlad was a sadistic leader who was
          directly responsible for the deaths of 80,000 people.
          I'm going to go into a lot of gruesome details so if you don't want to hear about it, SKIP IT
          Vlad the Impaler had many torture methods but as you may have guessed, his favorite method is the one in his name. To torture his victims, Vlad would place a sharpened pike up their rectum before setting the pike upright. As gravity did its thing, the person would be pulled down and eventually the pike would exit through the abdomen, chest or neck. He would have these people on display to warn enemies of what he would do to them. For more information, I suggest this link: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Vlad-the-Impaler


Random question, logically speaking, would Todoroki's fire cauterize his wounds(I know his flames can't hurt him unless he goes past his limits)? I know during the fight with Stain he got injured but realistically, his wounds would closed up? Am I wrong?


@Certified_Simp04 ayo I never thought of it that way 