
this message may be offensive
Yall fuck it Imma write a story
          	OC because reader inserts are hard to write 


Yall what is the hype about neobook? I've never seen anyone mention it except for ppl on other pols profiles ask if they "publish on neobook" and it's very confusing and there's never any variety. Never "do you right on neobook" or "do you have neobook" or anything else it's always do you *publish* on neobook and imo it js sounds like a bot. No hate I'm js very confused 


I'm gonna blow you're fuckin' mind here
          Most cats are default born autistic, therefore autism is the majority of cats
          The chance your cat is nerotypical is like the same chance that you're autistic
          How fuckin' awesome is that man
          Anyway, hi! I'm max and everyone keeps telling me I'm autistic