
Hey there friends, it's been quite a while. I haven't posted much if anything in nearly two years and it's something I've been unfortunately unable to really do. With everything going ln, it's been a hard time. I've had a lot going on but my life is stabilizing finally. I can say that I can happily work on things again and I'd say I'm looking to get chapters out soon. Please be patient as it's been a while but I'll hope you'll enjoy what I've started to get ready.


Hey there friends, it's been quite a while. I haven't posted much if anything in nearly two years and it's something I've been unfortunately unable to really do. With everything going ln, it's been a hard time. I've had a lot going on but my life is stabilizing finally. I can say that I can happily work on things again and I'd say I'm looking to get chapters out soon. Please be patient as it's been a while but I'll hope you'll enjoy what I've started to get ready.


Good Early Morning everyone. Sorry for months of silence. I have been working a lot of hours, we are talking 70-80 hour weeks the last 6 months. I havent been able to write unfortunately but that doesn't mean I have forgotten my stories. I am hoping to be having some more free time coming up to use on my hobbies, that being playing some more League of Legends and Divinity Orginal Sin 2 as well as writing my stories. It has been a rough year but thank you everyone being patient with me.


I am super excited to announce the first chapter of my Adventure Time fanfic has dropped! I have been working on it loosely for a month and a half. It has more or less turned into what I wanted. I have a outline for the next couple chapters, but I also wish to work on some of my other stuff and get them updated for those who have been waiting.
          Also I am currently posting short stories and some of my poetry on here as well, so be welcome to give those a look as well.


          Apologies for the lack of updates on my stories, and from myself. I have been unable to work on my chapters as my hours for work have increased, but at other locations rather than the one place that allows me to work on them. I am hoping to have some chapters continued and worked on during this week, and that will help make every continue to enjoy my stories.
          Thank you for being patient and reading what I have put out thus far.


          Sorry for the delay on story updates. I needed some time off to myself but I have energized back to normal and was able to kind of feel how I wanted to take my stories and what I wanted to work on. 
          I am currently working on several stories and chapters for the following.
          Naruto: End of the Orange Purity Chapter 10 
          -This is going to be an extra doozy of a chapter, albeit one with several reveals, plenty of drama and just serious feels amongst the words.
          Naruto Shikamaru's Puzzle Chapter 6 & 7
          -Both of these Chapters are going to delve further into the impending drama and action. I will do my best to also include some wholesome moments to break it up but there will by suspense and problems arising.
          Steven Universe: The Aftermath Chapter 2 & 3
          -This orignally was going to be a three chapter story but given how I am feeling to write it, it will likely extend to five chapters, maybe more if the reception is good. However it will allow there to be plenty of drama and sad moments but we will get to see the turnout of what could have been. Maybe see some flashbacks too to give the early story some more fire to it.
          I also have two Adventure Time ideas, both featuring Marceline the Vampire Queen and Fionna the Human. I really like the dynamic I have kind of set in my mind for them and want to push out two similar but drastically different settings for the two to have their love tested and blossom into beautiful flowers, however beware the thorns.
          All in all, hope you look forward to the stories I have in the works, and enjoy what is currently out.


Hey everyone. Quick update incoming. Several chapters in the works are as follows:
          Naruto End of the Orange Purity Chapter 9 & 10
          Naruto Shikamaru's Puzzle Chapter 6 & 7
          Steven Universe the Aftermath Chapter 2 & 3
          I'm also looking to drop another new story for Adventure Time. I'll likely get two chapters prepped for that to drop.
          Also maybe another Bioshock one shot following Subject Delta's death similar to the Bookers Goodbye story. I may also aim for another RWBY one-shot.
           I'm trying to push myself to get about 6-8 chapters a week. The quarantine has messed with my work hours that allows me to work as such on my stories. The way it is going means it'll likely be months going on for this. Do expect plenty of updates on stories until they're finished and I continue making stuff for everyone to enjoy. 
          I do post everything on here as well as Fanfiction.net as soon as I'm done. That does it for the update.
          Everyone be safe and have a wonderful day.


Hello everyone. Bone Papa here. I'm well aware it has been some time since I've updated my stories or even just the page and it's plans. I'm hoping to be more available to update both. If I put my mind to it, I am confident I can get work out to you! 
          Have a lovely and safe Monday.