
Hi! For all of my fans of "No Turning Back," an official rewrite is in the works. Feel free to take a look and leave some kind and/or constructive thoughts!


Hey cee , just wanna say that i love your story 'no turning back (rewrite)' and connect with it from a deeper level, thank you for making me feel normal, like im not crazy you will never understand how much that means to me so thank you.


@ShannReads Hi! I'm glad the story resonated so well with you! Wishing you all the best!


Hi just finished reading no turning back and I've never cried at or loved a book like this one. Best book I've ever read and I've been reading on this app for almost 5years. Hope u publish more books. P. S your an awesome writer.


This is the first time I've actually cried in a book ever!! I love Daniel and Jayden sooo much!! I hope u continue to write amazing stories!!! I hope there's a sequel tho hehehe anyways looking forward to your future works!! Keep inspiring us readers!!


Hey. I just wanted to say 'No turning back' is the best lgbt book I have read so far. Damn, I love Jayden Delgado and Daniel Crawford so much. Such a cute couple. Anyway........you wrote that book so well. WELL DONE! ¡buen trabajo en tu libro!


Hi! Last year I made a new year's resolution to finish another novel by the end of the year. While I'm just a tad bit late, I've finally finished my (technically) third completed manuscript titled "The Heiress of Hell" that I've recently uploaded to my profile. This idea has been with me since 2013 and has bloomed and developed over multiple drafts throughout the years. I'm so excited to finally be sharing this story! I hope you all enjoy!


Hi! I’m glad you enjoyed the story. I’m not sure when I’ll update the academy,  but I do think I’m going to start working on it again since it was halfway finished 


@Cee__Love omg I loved it will there be more cause like that story sent me on a rollercoaster you are such an amazing writer like omg this is only reason I still read fanfiction ik u just finished a book but may I ask when will the academy be updated cause I needs that