This is a PSA for my followers and readers.
          	I'm moving all my fanfics* (most of my stories) to a new account. It's @CectheDay
          	I will be moving them soon and deleting them from this account in at the most, two months. The reason for this move is my desire to make this account more focused on my ideas for original stories and worlds. I will still continue to write fanfics, but they will be updated less frequently. Thank you so much for your continued support.
          	*The only fanfic I will not be moving is: This is My Story, since it is more focused on my original characters


This is a PSA for my followers and readers.
          I'm moving all my fanfics* (most of my stories) to a new account. It's @CectheDay
          I will be moving them soon and deleting them from this account in at the most, two months. The reason for this move is my desire to make this account more focused on my ideas for original stories and worlds. I will still continue to write fanfics, but they will be updated less frequently. Thank you so much for your continued support.
          *The only fanfic I will not be moving is: This is My Story, since it is more focused on my original characters