
Happy new year


Just a little update on progress, I have planned chapter 18 of Revelations and planning chapter 19 (hopefully writing 18 up tomorrow + should be up by Monday/Tuesday) 
          I will from next week then plan the next two chapters for Morder House and hopefully get another one of those up in the new year! 


Hey guys,
          I know I have been gone for what seems like 10 years, but I do come bearing updates with all of the revelations current chapters up so there's a lot of reading for you to immerse yourselves in.
          I will try my hardest to do weekly but at least monthly updates, but A Levels are literally taking over my life (I have blister on my hand from revision notes cri)
          Now that there's a lot of Revelations up I will try and focus time on Morder House 
          Hope you all have a great holiday!


Welcome back !! 