
Hey lovers! THE WEDDING of MR and MRS KAZANSKY is FINALLY PUBLISHED AND READY FOR YOU LOT TO READ! Enjoy this little treat from me! I love you all so much and I actually felt good enough to write today! I also began work on the Hangman and Draco Malfoy stories. So try and check them out when you're finished reading this new part. Enjoy my lovers!


Hey lovers! THE WEDDING of MR and MRS KAZANSKY is FINALLY PUBLISHED AND READY FOR YOU LOT TO READ! Enjoy this little treat from me! I love you all so much and I actually felt good enough to write today! I also began work on the Hangman and Draco Malfoy stories. So try and check them out when you're finished reading this new part. Enjoy my lovers!


Hello lovers...
          As I've decided to rename my readers. 
          I apologize for the lack of new parts - especially at such a momentous part of the stories. Especially for My Snowman. 
          However, what I am about to tell you all shall explain as to why you should forgive me. 
          For... the past year and so months. I have been struggling with health issues related to my jaw. If you go back through these announcements you can almost see it progress. 
          I was feeling up my jaw bone today (not a sentence I thought I would write),and noticed a very tender spot. And a lump that could possibly be very serious and detrimental to my health. 
          If you pray. I ask you to please pray for me. Not because I'm self conceited and I'm worried about myself. I am worried if part of my jaw will have to be removed. I am worried about my appearance. I am worried about how I will finish school. However, that's not why I'm really asking you to pray or simply keep me in your thoughts. 
          I ask because I have a wonderful partner. He's everything I've ever dreamed for. He's all I could ever want. He's sweet, kind, understanding...  He cry almost every time I call him because we had to go long distance for the next two years... He always says he doesn't know what he'd do without me. That I'm it. there is no one else for him. and I know that sounds cheesy and maybe you've heard people say that before - even in a toxic way. But it's not like that. We both love each other unconditionally that we feel the same on this topic. So I ask you to pray and keep me in your thoughts - not for me - but for him. I don't want to put him through that pain. Frankly we've both been through so much...we both deserve a break. 
          So please be patient with me. With my health... I will write when I want to, what I want to and publish when I want to. Thank you all for your endless support, comments, and thoughts. You're all beautiful souls.


I completely understand. Take as much time as you need. You’re an amazing author and amazing writers do what they have to do. Don’t feel any rush to get back writing it’s up to you. I hope you feel better soon ❤️


Oi, everyone. I am homeward bound! I am home actually. I plan to do some more writing, do some working and relax this summer. I ALSO HOPE TO FINISH! Tom Kazansky: My Snowman! Isn't that exciting! Let me know any predictions you have on how it ends, or anything you want to see specifically wrapped up :) there will be a sequel to it. 
          I plan to write other stories with this premiss as well, but focusing on other characters. Here is a few, 
          -Hangman; Jake Sersin 
          -Maverick: Pete Mitchell 
          - Draco Malfoy: Harry Potter Series
          -Ethan Hunt: Mission Impossible 
          -Doc Holiday: Tombstone


Sounds amazing I can’t wait! I Look forward to it  :D 


Two parts of Tom Kazansky: My Snowman posted in one day! Booyah! Enjoy my readers. Know that there will be more to come. Please note that None of the songs I use in the chapters/posts are mine - nor am I trying to claim the rights to them. They are simply there to set the mood. That's all. Enjoy my darling readers. 
          -Lady Ima


this message may be offensive
Hi my lovers...
          Well I'm trying to write because it's my only escape at the moment. 
          I am still dealing with issues in my jaw - on going for years now. Might be chronic. 
          My grandmother is recovering in rehab for a ruptured brain aneurysm... My Aunt and her siblings had to be checked for aneurysms as well. Turns out my aunt also has one. So she needs to see a specialist. 
          My partner is graduating college - whoopie - BUT he's also moving to NY so now he'll be over 6 hours away from me. 
          AND I'm a college student... AND it's April. So Fuck me I guess. 
          But I'll keep writing because it makes me happy, and it makes all of you happy... And If I can make people happy despite my life that is depressing as fuck... well, then I've accomplished all I could hope to.


@HelenaStanton This means so much to hear. Life has always been challenging for me. But it wasn't until I began writing that I thought I was finally seen. 
            Thank you, for seeing me.


@Catnoirxladybug07  we all love you so much, and are sending so many hugs and loves to you. I also want to tell you that we all appreciate you. I for one want you to know how proud and grateful we are for you to be existing. 


Tom Kazansky: My Snowman has been updated! 
          Y'all are lucky I love you... 
          Cause it's April. 
          And April means death for all college/university students...
          If I seem distant please note that I am working through many difficult things... and seeing that my partner and I will become long distance after this semester. My mental health is pretty low on the scale. 
          This story is how I cope, so I'm gonna spend as much time with him as I can... then I will be up to writing more once he leaves.


Oh sweetie. It’s ok. We’re here. We love you, girlie. Stay strong. We’ve got your back


hello darlings my mental health has been out the wazoo at the moment. I am however working on new parts for the stories I've been updating recently. 
          Its all about the home stretch with "Tom Kazansky: My Snowman"


Oh sunflower. Don’t risk yourself for us. We love you, and if you’re feeling wazoo at the moment, we’ll wait for you. ❤️


Take as much time as you need! Pls don’t rush for us. Prioritise you and your health both physically and mentally. Xx <3