
Does my one else read the description of a story and think oh this sounds like a good one but once you stay reading it you get half way through and just not interested in it anymore? It’s not clause it isn’t good but you just lost interest in it? 


Does my one else read the description of a story and think oh this sounds like a good one but once you stay reading it you get half way through and just not interested in it anymore? It’s not clause it isn’t good but you just lost interest in it? 


I understand that people have busy lives and/or get writers block. I am a very patient person and I don't mind a little waiting. But honestly one of the things that kind of irks me is when a writer is on here almost every day promising every person that comments on the story or post on their page asking about said story that there WILL be an update or that they will finish the story when in all reality they remove the story or the account is completely gone.
          Please if you don't want to or can't finish the story just say that then don't be promising ( almost daily) every reader who is waiting for you to continue that you will when you are just gonna delete the story or your account. We get it shizz happens and its a bummer that we wont get to read the ending but its all good.


@CatherineEllis5 yeah I've been trying to do that and I post about it. But when I'm into a really good book and they do that it irks me too