
To those who read "Element in Playtime Co." Please go to my channel and read my community post, it's about a decision I made regarding the Bois, and my take on things, if you don't like it, that's alright, but do not say anything negative to me about it, because my decision is final on it (I'm not trying to sound rude or anything) so yeah, I did edit chapter one a bit


@Deeep77881 yeah, as much as difficult it is, it's for the best I do this


@Cat-con plus it’ll be cool to see your og series interacts to the others!!


@Cat-con nah don’t worry about that too much cat!! you made the right choice for switching them. no matter how famous rozy is or how much she “changed” Gacha that is no excuse for what she did


To those who read "Element in Playtime Co." Please go to my channel and read my community post, it's about a decision I made regarding the Bois, and my take on things, if you don't like it, that's alright, but do not say anything negative to me about it, because my decision is final on it (I'm not trying to sound rude or anything) so yeah, I did edit chapter one a bit


@Deeep77881 yeah, as much as difficult it is, it's for the best I do this


@Cat-con plus it’ll be cool to see your og series interacts to the others!!


@Cat-con nah don’t worry about that too much cat!! you made the right choice for switching them. no matter how famous rozy is or how much she “changed” Gacha that is no excuse for what she did


Heyyah peeps! i have some news- i won't be to active on here because my phone has decided to go wonky on me. I'm hoping its not too much of an issue since its most likely a soft ware problem. If its not i might need to get a new phone (which, is not an issue since i have 80% of my stuff in the SD card) i'll be able to do stuff here through my laptop for the time being but i cant make any videos or my art for now so thats that. Any who, I hope you all understand. Have a great day


Hello Cat-con!
          SO I've been reading a bunch of your books and I have 1 question.
          Will you be continuing the book, The Quest to Find our Friend? Its an amazing book (despite having one chapter im so interested in it-) and your a great author, So I just wanted to know.


            And Happy new year! Hoping you'll keep going in this amazing path for another year.


@Deeep77881 yes I will, just been working on it slowly and trying to figure out how to end it 


Hey cat-Con! 
          So I've been on wattpad for about a month and then I discovered your channel on youtube. When I realized you had a wattpad acc, I began to read all of your books. I noticed one book mainly that hadn't been touched in a while (I'm sorry if this sounds impatient) So, about the Asterian Avengers, will you be continuing that? Also when you mentioned in a book called Soulmates that you said was gonna e revamped, have you forgotten about it, or have you thrown away the idea? (I know the universe can be stupid sometimes and make existing hard, especially when you have a lot of studies, but I was just wondering.?


            well thats great! I hope to see you back writing soon!


@jaiwnd I have not forgotten about them at all, I've been very busy with stuff irl and it got in the way of my motivation and such, I've recently had a spike and spark of motivation which is bringing my writers block to a stop (all the info is in the randomness book)
            So yeah- just been in a hiluge writers block and busy with irl stuff 


Welp- wattpad is being a dingus, the recent one-shot isn't letting people comment (I rven tried myself and nothing) even trying to publish it in a separate chapter didn't work
          If it's not fixed/reseted(?) By tomorrow then, sorry- leave any comments on it here so it makes things a bit easier


Hey guys...
          Any products on anything (videos, art, stories, ect) will slow down for a while. Our oldest cat passed away almost 12 hours ago. He was old and we did expect that but it still hurts. He was part of our family and will miss him dearly. I hope to get back to production soon (as maybe a way to help myself feel better).
          Thank you for your understanding


love youuu /p


aww I’m sorry cat I hope you feel better soon 