
I've died a hundred times over the last 11 months and the pain just never gets better


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so guys, you might not know this but I am as blind as a bat, I pretty much have the worst vision ever, but today I got my first par of glasses and holy fuck... I can see. I had no idea colors could be so vibrant.


@CassiopeiaDanielle that's how I felt when I got my glasses, I couldn't see a damn thing. At first when I was little and found out I needed glasses, I hated it and throw them out the window and broke.  But as soon I got older, I got used to them.


today my best friend would have gotten her GED, and she got her diploma, but it hurts that she isn't on earth to get it.


@CassiopeiaDanielle thanks, it hurts like a son of a bitch. Just can't think about it or I'll be a mess for another month


@CassiopeiaDanielle oh, that sucks she didn't.  I'm sorry that it hurts. 