
Hi ! Nice to meet ya, I'm Charlie :3 how r u ? Do you want to read something ? Then, if you want, I propose you my poems. I Saw to many sad texts here on Wattpad and I wanted to come with New kind of poetry like...poems with self love, motivation, good news, love and hopes :) 
          Come tell what you think about it. 
          (Just, please don't tell me you're gonna Come if it's not the case. I understand if you don't have time or if I'm bothering you but I prefer nothing than I lie) 
          Anyway, Hope you have a nice day <3333


@ CharlieSeven123  aww thank u, Hope you'll like it, then :-*


@CharlieSeven123 Hey Charlie, I'm good thanks for asking, and you?  thank you for the invite, I'll definitely have a look, really need something positive in life.
            Thanks again!


Thanks for the follow!
          Where did you find me?


@CheeseTheIvyUnicorn Hey! You're welcome  I was expanding my following list saw U in Pavlinadiamond, had a look at ur reading lists and really liked what was there.