
Hello everyone I don't know how many of you on my page have been reading the group book I’ve been working on but if you have I wanted to give you a warning. it is with a heavy heart that I announce that I am leaving the writing team for the foreseeable future I have nothing against my wonderful co-authors but due to some personal conflicts (that I will not be discussing out of respect for everyone’s privacy and anonymity) I believe it would be detrimental to my mental health and the future of the story for me to remain on the team at this time. There are still some loose ends that will need to be tied up but for the most part, this is my goodbye to Hidden Miracles. To my co-authors, I have loved working with you and hope that you can understand and accept my choice to leave.


Hello everyone I don't know how many of you on my page have been reading the group book I’ve been working on but if you have I wanted to give you a warning. it is with a heavy heart that I announce that I am leaving the writing team for the foreseeable future I have nothing against my wonderful co-authors but due to some personal conflicts (that I will not be discussing out of respect for everyone’s privacy and anonymity) I believe it would be detrimental to my mental health and the future of the story for me to remain on the team at this time. There are still some loose ends that will need to be tied up but for the most part, this is my goodbye to Hidden Miracles. To my co-authors, I have loved working with you and hope that you can understand and accept my choice to leave.


I wanted to give one last message before I go on break.  Relationships are hard and it's give and take. But make sure that the people you care about always know they can fall back on you because you'll never know what's really in their heads. Remember that we all see the world differently and if your friend is hurting you need to put your own biases aside because you never know what life has thrown at them. 
          TL;DR - Be there for your friends and family. Give them a hug and tell them how much you love them


Hey all, I know that just last night I was really hyped and was starting to get back into a groove writing wise but something just happened and I might be taking a break. I don't know for how long or anything but I promise I'll come back I just need some time. it could be a day or maybe just the weekend or more I just don't know.


Hey everyone I got a wonderful opportunity to collab with some new authors on here and we are currently writing a miraculous ladybug spin-off. In a little, I'll be posting an interview with those characters done by Kate (Assassin's Blade). It's been super fun to write with these guys so shout out to @Frizzykitty and @TheArcticRavenZ for letting me be a part of this amazing project.


So I have this song lyric in my mind and I just feel like sometimes it just rings true here it is, 
          I'm sorry to my unknown lover sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me sorry to my unknown lover Sorry I could be so blind Didn't mean to leave you and all of the things that we had behind and someone will love you but someone isn't me


Hello lovely people on the internet So school is just a day and a half away from being over so I have made a new summer schedule that will take effect on June 1 
          Mondays - Yes, Maybe, No
          Tuesday - Scraped story bits 
          Wensday - The Orphan Goddess
          Thursday - Once upon a myth
          Friday - Cursed Angel 
          Saturday - Fan Choice (vote held on Mondays)
          Sunday - Identical Opposites
          Due to a lack luster response to Assasins Blade I have put it on hold. I may come back to it eventually. I will hopefully be able to keep up this schedule. Anyways I am wishing everyone a good end of school and a spectacular start to summer.


Hello again I just wanted to say that I'm going to hopefully maintain a posting schedule but my school theater troupe is nearing tech week so I might only not be able to closely follow it but for the moment here it is 
          Monday - Cursed Angel 
          Tuesday - Nothing
          Wednesday - The Orphan Goddess 
          Thursday - Once upon a Myth or Assasions Blade
          Friday - Cursed Angel  
          Yes, I am going to be posting two new stories Once upon a myth is a Marvel fanfic and Assasions Blade is my own work Assasions Blade will most likely come out this week and Once upon a Myth next week.