
this message may be offensive
Life has always been hectic these past few years... And to be honest, we're all tired of it. 
          	Friends becomes your bullies.
          	Enemies becomes your worst nightmares.
          	Life is a war you are destined to be in. You either die, giving up or fight for your life til the end. 
          	Waiting for that right person to tell you, "Close your eyes, and spare yourself the view. I'm sorry I have hurt you."
          	People may be a bitch all the time... But the doesn't mean I will give up on life. Nor will you all...
          	Don't let THEM define who you are. You can't always be the weak in their book. You can't always be the monster to their story. Because as they say... 
          	When does a man become the monster.
          	YOUR actions will always define who you are, not THEIRS.
          	BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST. They might as well leave the most painful damage you can ever ask for.
          	BETRAYAL is the most brutal way to kill someone.
          	reminding to all. Be a better person instead of acknowledging someone's mistakes. Acknowledge their success too.
          	Don't let your Emotions get to you.
          	Fight it.


this message may be offensive
Life has always been hectic these past few years... And to be honest, we're all tired of it. 
          Friends becomes your bullies.
          Enemies becomes your worst nightmares.
          Life is a war you are destined to be in. You either die, giving up or fight for your life til the end. 
          Waiting for that right person to tell you, "Close your eyes, and spare yourself the view. I'm sorry I have hurt you."
          People may be a bitch all the time... But the doesn't mean I will give up on life. Nor will you all...
          Don't let THEM define who you are. You can't always be the weak in their book. You can't always be the monster to their story. Because as they say... 
          When does a man become the monster.
          YOUR actions will always define who you are, not THEIRS.
          BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST. They might as well leave the most painful damage you can ever ask for.
          BETRAYAL is the most brutal way to kill someone.
          reminding to all. Be a better person instead of acknowledging someone's mistakes. Acknowledge their success too.
          Don't let your Emotions get to you.
          Fight it.


Why is living a life a bigger deal than dying?
          I mean... can't we die for something or someone than live a life with no one?
          In life, people do come and go. But why??
          When they give their final goodbye, it hurts and makes us cry.
          But if they left with no word, why does it piss us off?
          If you have someone there close to you. I wish you can hug them tight, and never let go. We wouldn't know when will they leave us. Spend your time with them while you still can.
          Hug them. Tell them you love them. Make them happy. 
          So when that time comes. We would have a memory of them that we can cherish forever in our minds. 
          Instead of thinking of the times, you should've spent your time with them and slowly drown in your despair and regret.


          If you like the thrill of a mystery and Adventure, action and Romance! I bet you'll love this! Click the story below and join the adventure! There are more mysteries to solve!
          I just published "Prologue" of my story "The Next Assassination ~ MLBB ~ Granger x Lesley ~".