
Welcome to my feed! if you have suggestions on how to improve my writing or just want to talk, my Email is:
          	you can also reply to this post right here! i hope my stories peak your interest, im writing for fun and so that i can improve.
          	a little about me:
          	-I'm 14
          	-I'm a girl
          	-I hate cheesy romance novels. (ew)
          	-I'm dramatic
          	-I really like Persona5, Deltarune, and Space.
          	-I'm wholesome and will only be mean if your really mean for no reason
          	that's it! hope your having a good day!


Welcome to my feed! if you have suggestions on how to improve my writing or just want to talk, my Email is:
          you can also reply to this post right here! i hope my stories peak your interest, im writing for fun and so that i can improve.
          a little about me:
          -I'm 14
          -I'm a girl
          -I hate cheesy romance novels. (ew)
          -I'm dramatic
          -I really like Persona5, Deltarune, and Space.
          -I'm wholesome and will only be mean if your really mean for no reason
          that's it! hope your having a good day!