
havent been on wattpad for more than 3 month, wont be back for a few weeks. Until then, i will post up a new story later that i have been planning to publissh AND actually complete. And for those who fanned me, THANK YOU! When i saw my emails and who fanned me i felt amazing! TvT  So thank you I shall make you proud with my new story~!


Hi Nana, just thought I'd pop over and say thanks for fanning. I've no idea what I've done to deserve that but it's always grand to meet someone new. Hope you enjoy anything of mine you happen to read, comment / critique is always welcomed. Cheers, Gav


havent been on wattpad for more than 3 month, wont be back for a few weeks. Until then, i will post up a new story later that i have been planning to publissh AND actually complete. And for those who fanned me, THANK YOU! When i saw my emails and who fanned me i felt amazing! TvT  So thank you I shall make you proud with my new story~!


I'm boing to be a freshman too and I'm a lil nervious about it 
          I would lve u even more not that I don't al ready if you were tl read and respond to my new book the big book of many questions it's interactive, and please please please tell ur friends about me