
Holy Bejeezus guys, I finally uploaded chapter 18 of PUWLOM. It's kind of a filler but it's getting us where we need to go!
          	If you want to know why I suck and took forever to upload, read the note at the beginning of the chapter. Go read! :)


Holy Bejeezus guys, I finally uploaded chapter 18 of PUWLOM. It's kind of a filler but it's getting us where we need to go!
          If you want to know why I suck and took forever to upload, read the note at the beginning of the chapter. Go read! :)


FOTM SEPTEMBER: (drum roll please)
          Because she's voted on chapters 1-15 of A Summer to Remember and in my mind, those are the worst chapters of the book so if you can love them, then I LOVE YOU!
          She has uno book called "I Can't Lose You" which is a Riker Lynch and R5 fan fic. The description goes a little something like this:
          "Amelia Evans was an ordinary 18 year old girl who just wanted things to go her way for a change.  Everything was going downhill in her life...but that was until she met the boy who would surely help her see things in a different light. That boy was Riker Lynch."
          So check her out because she voted like a shmillion times and made me a very happy individual :)


          @D290101 because of the comments this lovely follower has been leaving!
          Two stories:
          1) The Boy Who Sneaks In My Bedroom Window (R5 Version):
          Originally by Kirsty Moseley- all rights go to her. The names have been changed so it has become an R5 story. The original book can be found on Amazon.
          2) Forever is over (Ross Lynch Fan Fiction):
          Discovering that your new neighbours are the Lynch's is a dream come true for Devi. She immediately falls for Ross, but as they get further into their relationship they face more and more problems. Can they spend forever together or will they eventually break apart and admit to themselves that "Forever is over?"


          1) I finished writing and edited the next chapter so all I'm waiting for are the last two or three comments/votes :)
          2)I'm trying to be a little more interactive with my followers, and because of that I'm gonna start to choose a follower of the month every month. I'll send out a message to all of my followers saying who it is and I'll share their stories/summaries (if they have any) and if they have no books, I'll share their reading lists. I'll probably share a little personal info out of their bio as well.
          If you want to become a follower of the month: comment, vote, PM me. Share your thoughts about PUWLOM, share your suggestions, ideas, anything you can think of. BUT do not say "I want to be the follower of the month". That will get you nowhere. If you/your ideas are cool or you've encouraged me a lot in my writing, etc, etc, then you'll be the follower of the month (FOTM for short). Sound good?
          HAVE A FABULOUS DAY :)
          P.S. I'll be announcing the first FOTM shortly :)