
Hello, Speedsters! 
          	It has come to my attention that I my form of writing has been hurting me. I’ve been using the script format of writing like because I thought it would be easier to right like that.
          	It’s is not and very annoying to express proper emotions when writing. Like really annoying to an ungodly degree!
          	That’s why after my next chapter, I shall be switching to a more former term of writing. Mostly because it’ll be easier to read and comprehend for me and fellow readers.
          	Thank you for your attention! Now back to reading!


@ CaptainSpeed52  Now that you've posted the chapter with Level Up, what's next? Are you doing the next chapter for Level Up or are you doing a chapter for another story of yours?


I’m about almost done with it. I can’t give a definitive date it will be out, but I’ll say in about a day or two.


@ CaptainSpeed52  Thanks for the information. And do you know when it will appear? You don't have to answer me if you don't want to. 


Hello, Speedsters! 
          It has come to my attention that I my form of writing has been hurting me. I’ve been using the script format of writing like because I thought it would be easier to right like that.
          It’s is not and very annoying to express proper emotions when writing. Like really annoying to an ungodly degree!
          That’s why after my next chapter, I shall be switching to a more former term of writing. Mostly because it’ll be easier to read and comprehend for me and fellow readers.
          Thank you for your attention! Now back to reading!


@ CaptainSpeed52  Now that you've posted the chapter with Level Up, what's next? Are you doing the next chapter for Level Up or are you doing a chapter for another story of yours?


I’m about almost done with it. I can’t give a definitive date it will be out, but I’ll say in about a day or two.


@ CaptainSpeed52  Thanks for the information. And do you know when it will appear? You don't have to answer me if you don't want to. 


Holy crap! I just noticed that there's a hundred of y'all! Wow! I'm just— wow! I didn't know people wanted to read a guy who makes stories off this kinda stuff!
          I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for sticking around and reading my silly stories. Your the best crewmates a captain can ever ask for.


Announcement, I'm not actually quitting! It was an April Fools joke and I've been getting a lot of messages about it! I'm sorry for worrying you guys! 
          A new chapter of Sparks Of a Family will be out tomorrow, so don't worry.


@ CaptainSpeed52  Thanks for telling us. 


@CaptainSpeed52 Thank you then for not stopping updating your stories.


Dear Speedsters,
          I'm done. For the last few months, I've been unable to write anything. Every single time I pick up one of my books to write I feel this urge just to put it back down again. I just don't enjoy it anymore. I can't come up with the plot anymore with my Mr. thing.
          No more ideas are going through my head anymore and the ideas that do come up just get lost in my mojo to die away. I can't even come up with a simple plot.
          I'm sorry but with the uprising of my feelings, I've failed you.
          I'm sorry.
          Your former writer and your captain,


@CaptainSpeed52 I have discord do you too bro?


Sigh. The rain always rains harder on those dark nights. Goodbye RWBY, you will be missed.


@CaptainSpeed52 Right now I'm working on a chapter of PPGAB and hopefully I can get it done this week


@ CaptainSpeed52  Which story are you going to make a new chapter for? I ask out of curiosity. You don't have to answer me if you don't want to. 


Dude, can you update your powerpuff girls and boys story please?


I'm just kidding, but right now I'm trying to get one more chapter out for My Power Rangers before doing more chapters for Powerpuff Girls and Boy.


Me, getting a notification about something about Verbalase: Verbalase? Haven't heard from him awhile. Can't be too bad to check it out.
          Me, a minute later after watching the video of what he did: ...Why and how does this keep happening to my childhood YouTubers! WHY?!?


I come sliding down the rail to the main floor of my ship. I wore a Christmas sweater and a beanie to match.
          Speed: Merry Christmas to all my Speedsters and Speedetts! I hope to see a awesome happy New Year's too! For the few years I've been doing this, it has been an honor writing for all of you and showing my inspiration and different interests with you all. But there will be changes by next year that will hopefully solve my problem about posting so little. 
          I pulled up a chart of my upload schedule. It was up for little while, but then it dropped down. Fast.
          Speed: When I started, I wanted to post as often as possible, but I kept on switching between stories because I had different idea for each of them. It came to the conclusion that I figured that I was having trouble actually writing. So, I decided to solve this id focus on one story a month so I won't as hard on myself and to keep a general schedule on writing.
          I kicked it away, hearing it crash somewhere that I will deal with later.
          Speed: Hopefully, I can keep a schedule. Hopefully. But for now! I hope you all enjoy an AWESOME Christmas!
          I than heard my mom calling me from the kitchen.
          Mom: Speed! Your friend and family are waiting! Also there's several girls waiting for you under a missile toe.
          Girls: Mrs. Octane!
          I gave a slight chuckle that soon turned into a nervous one once I realized what I'm in for. This was gonna take a while.
          Me: Welp, I better get going. Like always, Later Speedsters!