
Informing you all, Oliver's dead. Put a gun in his mouth, pulled the trigger. I'm upset that he couldn't see that we all cared for him. Didn't take in that we all loved him, cared for him. That he wasn't ever alone. The person who loved him the most, was probably Shayne or Dillon. Hurts so bad that Oliver is gone now. 


Hey Olimuffin. Miss you bro.. It's hard not being able to talk to you and have you talk about random stuff all the time. It's hard without you. It's gotten even harder. I miss asking for your advice and having you be there for me without being next to me. You're still my brother, you're still my Olimuffin. Things haven't been easy for us, but you still had me. I was always there. I miss you Oli.. I wish you could come back. </3


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Hey olipop..i miss you Babyboy..a lot..Nothing is the same..i miss your stupid comments. i miss our convos. When we would say random shit and somehow make it into a real stupid sentence..<l3 i miss you BabyBoy..Please come Back.