
For everyone reading/who has read Raised By Frogs: I am currently thinking about Re writing and editing the first couple chapters of Raised By Frogs. Just wanted to get it out there and I’ll try and let you guys know which chapters have been revised when.


@CandytheCotton its like twenty twenty three now so how long is it going to take just asking is all


@CandytheCotton when raise by frog going to continue


@CandytheCotton just asking on the re writing is doing


Hey sorry about the last comment I just was a little curious about chapter two. I hope you’re okay about that but by the way I’m really excited to see the rewritten and edited stuff for Raised By Frogs. I really love this story you made but for now I will wait.


Hey I have a question about Marcys mom because in her chapter did she do suicide. I’m saying this because I’m really curious of why she didn’t get out of her bed. Was she really tired or you know … dead. Sorry I’m just really curious I not trying to be mean and all. I’ll be waiting because I can wait.


You know you really did a good job on how each girl acted and behave when they got to Amphibia. It is also very interesting of Sasha, Marcy, and Anne’s childhood in earth before they got to Amphibia. It is all so different from the main show and I love it. I really want to know on how you came up with such greatly changed origins. I love Marcy’s origin the most it intrigues me of how realistic and dark it is and I just don’t like it I love it. I can’t wait to see the next chapter’s especially the Marcy chapter’s witch are my favourite chapter’s I can wait.


Sorry I forgot to give a comment yesterday. So read reading a Marcy chapter king Andria says that Marcy can’t get the title of princess because that title can only be for blood relatives or blood children. So that is why she got the title of lady but what if there was a loophole to that. You see monarchy’s throughout history adopted children and some went on to be the successor and even get the title of prince or princess. So if Andrias adopted Marcy she might get the title of princess. That could be a cool idea for the story but you don’t have to use. Because you are a person who would never rush a story and puts in good quality. So I can wait to see the next chapter I can wait to see what will happen next.


Hey CandytheCotton are you doing okay because It’s been two years since the last chapter came out. Im saying this because you made the most beautiful, well quality, fleshed out story. I can’t wait to see the next chapter because this is one of the best Amphibia au I have ever read - TBB