
Hop down into a world of my own. A world that all my friends and my characters all exist within in perfect harmony... Well... Not perfect harmony... more like an outright world of random!  So grab yourself some Blapple Cupcakes and sit down at your monitor to read this!


i find you, love!


Cassi...I'm really worried, please conect to wattpad, i've been suspended from DA for 4 weeks


@ FixingFins  yeah, now you know my secret, so yeah, i know you will never tell anyone my real age in deviantart *hugs* i love you so much ÓwÒ


@FixingFins well, to at least understand deviantart


The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal.


The concept behind your book 'Ydissac's descent' Is so clever. I love it, I really really enjoy it. 
          I'd added it to my library quite a while ago but never got round to reading it. In the meantime I actually wrote something that's kinda similar in that it's a metaphorical representation of inner struggle, It was kinda cool to then read your book and really relate. yeah it's cool. 


            Thanks :D
            The story is actually based on bad bipolar disorder attacks that i have. I like that people are enjoying it because my goal was to try and forward what it's like to go through with all the problems and struggles you go through in the hell that is your mind while at the same time making a good suspenseful story. While it isn't entirely finished, I plan on updating soon and make it close to the end. I think its nice that someone can relate.  Because while the whole story is fictionally based and the character "Ydissac" is just a representation of my thoughts during my attacks. I hope you'll like it once it's complete.
            Now go have some fluffy fun reading, kit kat :D


I don't know why but I have the urges to make stories about ships I like .-.


no, i mean whats Gerita? (now i feel stupid)


@MartinHatesYou69 aw nose D:
            ....any recomendations on ships i should write about?


I will never be Andrew Hussie
          I will neve- oh hey!
          What am I doing? I am punishing myself for thinking that I will be just like Andrew Hussie one day. But I realize that will never happen. How he has so much time, I will never know. But I know this:
          I will never be Andrew Hussie