
Ok, so you know the Mr. Compress X reader I'm writing. Should I make seperate ones and make the one right now a 'Mr. Compress x Non-binary Reader' and make Female and Male versions?


Ok, so you know the Mr. Compress X reader I'm writing. Should I make seperate ones and make the one right now a 'Mr. Compress x Non-binary Reader' and make Female and Male versions?


Me: *waters plants* 
          Me to my plants: is that water bussin-


My mom: Could you water this plant for me?
            Me: Bet- *takes out a glass of water*


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Ok..I normally don't do things such as this so please listen up, people are saying that April 24th is national rape day. They say it's a joke, which rape isn't something to joke about it's really serious, but some people aren't taking it as a joke and are actually going out there to rape people, so please please be safe out there on April 24th. If you wanna know tips on how to tear someone's ear off I know how. But only use it to stay safe on this specific day. Dig your nails into the back of an ear, grab it firmly in your hand, pull straight down and it should come right off. Now remember only use this for self defense. Be safe out there.


W a i t- 111 followers?! W h a t   I   d o n ' t    u n d e r s t a n d- But really thank you guys! Very grateful thank you all, a chapter for all(except for the josuke x reader) will be posted


i just wanna say!
          we need more mr compress x reader, twice x reader and many more underrated character x readers
          just puttin it out there


Thank you @-Mystic19- for being the 100th follower! You all are so amazing!