
Omg thank you so much for the follow and adding my book to your reading list❤
          Have a lovely day and stay safe❤


@Danielleatobs No need to thank, I really need to thank. You're awesome ❤


Omg thank you for all the support your amazing ❤


@ Danielleatobs I need to thank you... 
            Thank you for sharing your stories with everyone ❤
            Have a great day and stay safe too 


Hi! Thank you for the follow. 
          Do you have any other social media where I can follow you? Wattpad has a stupid following limit so I can't follow everyone on Wattpad! If you have any other social media then I'm definitely going to follow you and stay connected!
          Also, are you from Brazil? Man, it's the country I support in football!!!


@ NoorJ_2948  You do not have to thank me.
            Yes I have other social networks. I send you in private. 
             Yes I am from Brazil! Really? That Cool! I am happy with that


As per the orders given by my fav. sis and who is very close to me i.e @swaralideshmukh29
          wishing you happy 17th Ana
          Seventeen truly is a remarkable year for anybody’s life. At this point, you are at the doorstep of adulthood, gazing at the other side. You are one year off from being able to conquer the world. Yet, it seems like the age of 17 is not as special as adulthood. It seems that, even though being an adult is special, people do not consider the last year of childhood equally special. I’m here to tell you otherwise. It is the last year of your absolute freedom, without worries, without taxes, without adult problems. And this is why this year is so special. Thus, in order for you to make that little 17-year-old, that is hurrying to grow up, feel the same, you need to make him/her know that this year is as special as that child. And what a better way to do it, that on the very first day of its life as a 17-year-old. So, here are the best wishes for someone’s 17th birthday on the internet!


@ Aagneshoberoi08  Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday, I was very happy, and I will enjoy every second of my 17 years, I will do what you said. 
            And... yes! It was one of the BEST birthday wishes I have ever seen! 
            Thank you again


hello!! Sorry for disturbing you!! But I need your help, can you please read a story. You cannot call it a story but if you want to see amazing pictures clicked then please read this book written by a very special friend of mine.
          Please... Please!!
          Thank you so much and please don't tell the writer that I am doing this..
          Thanks a lot ... Lots of love!!


@ swaralideshmukh29  Hello, I will read. Thanks