
Hello everyone, 
          	Sorry. My motivation is at its lowest right now. For everyone who is waiting on me to complete a request, I don't think I'll be doing them unless I suddenly have a spark of motivation. 
          	Once again I'm sorry.


@AceWolf4116 Thank you so much! You are very kind. 


@CrystalShipsNalu Thank you so much! I genuinely am so appreciative of you and your kindness. I think I will give this a go because it's seems really interesting and a great method. Once again, thank you so much. 


          	  Okay so I was reading a fanfic a while back and came across this peice of advice. Maybe you want to try it?
          	  “The Oulipo,” he said, “are a group of writers, mathematicians and philosophers who founded a writing group based on the idea of writing to constraints. They only ever have as many members as you can fit around a table, and you have to be invited to join. Their number one rule is that if you ask to join, you will be banned from the group for life, with no exceptions to this rule. Does anyone know what that translates to?"
          	  There was silence.
          	  “Being a group of elitist assholes," he said.
          	  "But unfortunately, they had some good ideas about creativity, so here we are today. One of the best ways to deal with writer's block is to set constraints for yourself, it narrows down your field of possibility and the challenge sparks creativity. An example of which we're going to do now."
          	  Like almost any instruction he gave, there was a stereo feedback of protests. He wrote on the board anyway:
          	  JASON PETER TODD
          	  “For this constraint, you each take the letters in your name,” he said, and underneath his name, he wrote a horizontal, alphabetised list of each letter, “and use it to make your letter pool.”
          	  A D E J N O P R S T
          	  “The task is to think of as many words as you can from the letter pool, and then either make a sentence or a poem—whatever—with them.”
          	  He eyed the list for a couple of seconds, then scrawled out the line:
          	  ‘Jade toads dart atop nets; spared, not trapped.’
          	  “You get the picture,” he said.


Hello everyone, 
          Sorry. My motivation is at its lowest right now. For everyone who is waiting on me to complete a request, I don't think I'll be doing them unless I suddenly have a spark of motivation. 
          Once again I'm sorry.


@AceWolf4116 Thank you so much! You are very kind. 


@CrystalShipsNalu Thank you so much! I genuinely am so appreciative of you and your kindness. I think I will give this a go because it's seems really interesting and a great method. Once again, thank you so much. 


            Okay so I was reading a fanfic a while back and came across this peice of advice. Maybe you want to try it?
            “The Oulipo,” he said, “are a group of writers, mathematicians and philosophers who founded a writing group based on the idea of writing to constraints. They only ever have as many members as you can fit around a table, and you have to be invited to join. Their number one rule is that if you ask to join, you will be banned from the group for life, with no exceptions to this rule. Does anyone know what that translates to?"
            There was silence.
            “Being a group of elitist assholes," he said.
            "But unfortunately, they had some good ideas about creativity, so here we are today. One of the best ways to deal with writer's block is to set constraints for yourself, it narrows down your field of possibility and the challenge sparks creativity. An example of which we're going to do now."
            Like almost any instruction he gave, there was a stereo feedback of protests. He wrote on the board anyway:
            JASON PETER TODD
            “For this constraint, you each take the letters in your name,” he said, and underneath his name, he wrote a horizontal, alphabetised list of each letter, “and use it to make your letter pool.”
            A D E J N O P R S T
            “The task is to think of as many words as you can from the letter pool, and then either make a sentence or a poem—whatever—with them.”
            He eyed the list for a couple of seconds, then scrawled out the line:
            ‘Jade toads dart atop nets; spared, not trapped.’
            “You get the picture,” he said.


. •Beautiful person award!!!! .  •  .  •☁✈
          Moshi Moshi Have this crown for being beautiful inside and out! 
          Please send this to at least 8 people if you breakel the chain nothing will happen lol-
          But if you do thank you so much! It's nice to think that someone thinks you're beautiful inside out!


Hey everyone, sorry for being away for a while. Recently, it seems as though the world is in a state of chaos. I sincerely hope you're all okay. This platform I have is one I want to use for good. I am appalled if I'm honest. No one should die or be the subject to any form of abuse just because of their race, sexuality, gender or anything else that makes them unique. We are all human. Everyone deserves to live.
          You guys are important to me. Please keep safe and if you have time, please consider signing this petition. 

          Copy the link and paste it into your browser. If you're not able to, just search 'George Floyd petition' and it should come up.
          Thank you <3